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open access

American-Korean Relations, 1945-1953: A Study in United States Diplomacy

Description: Based on the appropriate archival collections, official documents, and various published materials, this dissertation is an investigation of American diplomacy in Korea from 1945 to 1953. Between the end of World War II and the close of the Korean fighting, the United States moved from a limited interest in Korea to a substantial involvement in that nation's affairs.
Date: May 1981
Creator: Park, Hong-Kyu
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

"A Balloon Flower": A Study and Interpretive Guide to the Gagok of Jihoon Park

Description: Jihoon Park (b.1973), a South Korean composer with over 500 compositions spanning multiple genres, is treasured in his motherland as the most noteworthy composer of his generation. This study provides an in-depth introduction of the gagok (Korean art songs) of Park to Western teachers and students of singing, discussing his compositional techniques and their application to the interpretation of his selected songs. Moreover, the introduction to International Korean Phonetic Alphabet (IKPA) to su… more
Date: May 2019
Creator: Choe, Joanne
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Civic Roles of Neighborhood Associations in Seoul, Korea: Implications for Urban Governance

Description: This dissertation answers three research questions: "What differences and similarities exist among neighborhood associations in the United States, Japan, and Seoul, South Korea?," "What are the civic roles of neighborhood associations in apartment complexes in Seoul, South Korea?," and "What factors promote neighborhood associations to play civic roles in urban governance?" To answer the first question, this research analyzes the purposes, governance structures, roles, and legal substance of ne… more
Date: May 2017
Creator: Kim, Jung Wook, 1981-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of Junior High School General Music Programs Between Korea and the United States

Description: The purpose of the study was to investigate and compare the general music programs of public schools at the junior high school level between Korea and the United States. The comparison included the organizational structure of general music class, general music curriculum using the fifth revised music curriculum of the Korean middle school and the description and standards for American school music program suggested by Music Educators National Conference, and three music textbooks between both c… more
Date: December 1990
Creator: Kim, Do Soo
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparison of the Perceptions of Faculty and Students of Present and Ideal Institutional Goals in a Private University in Korea

Description: This study is an investigation of the importance of institutional goals as perceived by the faculty and students in Chung-ang University in Seoul, Korea. The purposes of this study are (1) to determine if significant differences exist between the perceptions of faculty and students as to the present and ideal institutional goals of the university, (2) to determine if significant differences exist between the perceptions of faculty and students of different colleges as to the present and ideal i… more
Date: December 1980
Creator: Ahn, Oksu
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Conductor's Guide to Hyo-Won Woo's Choral Music as Reflected in "Oh! KOREA"

Description: The choral music of Hyo-won Woo, the composer of Oh! KOREA, is being widely performed by universities and professional choruses in Korea, as well as throughout the world. The work exhibits Woo's remarkable compositional style, which displays traditional Korean musical influences. Hyo-Won Woo's Oh! KOREA consisting of four movements, is for chorus, two pianos, and both Eastern and Western percussion instruments. Woo's Oh! KOREA employs an excellent introduction to the Korean choral repertoire fo… more
Date: December 2018
Creator: Noh, Wonil
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Development of an Instrument for the Evaluation of School Administrative Staff in the Republic of Korea

Description: This study develops an instrument for evaluating the effectiveness of educational administrative performance in Korea. The purposes of this study are to determine the attitudes of 272 respondent Korean school administrators (elementary, middle, and high school principals and vice principals) toward the purposes of administrative evaluation, the elements of an administrative evaluation system, and the competencies that are needed for successful administrative performance. The survey instrument u… more
Date: May 1984
Creator: Kim, Jung Han
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Eak Tai Ahn's Korea Fantasy: His Life, Historical Context, and Compositional Style

Description: Eak Tai Ahn is not only the first generation of Korean musicians, composers and conductors to have studied Western music and given successful musical performances in Western countries, but also is among the first to introduce the music of Korea to the West utilizing the Western music system. Korea Fantasy is an important work that helped Ahn win international acclaim. Korea Fantasy is an orchestral piece that evolved along with Ahn's unique life experiences shaped by the state of his native cou… more
Date: May 2019
Creator: Baek, Da Mi
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Educational Policy-Making Process in the Republic of Korea: A Systems Analysis

Description: This study was concerned with examining the process of educational policy-making at the central government level in the Republic of Korea through an application of systems analysis. The purposes of this study were (1) to examine the relationship existing between politics and education; (2) to construct a systems analysis for examining the process of educational policy-making; and (3) to identify problems and limitations in the educational policy-making process in the Republic of Korea. To accom… more
Date: May 1974
Creator: Kim, Myung Han
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Exploring Teachers’ Constructivist Beliefs Using Talis 2013: Approaches to Training and Development

Description: The changing landscape of demographics, technology, and diversity in the learning environment is challenging schools around the world to rethink their approaches to the implementation of high-quality teaching practices. Classroom practices are becoming more complex because educators have to ensure that their students are well-equipped with 21st century skills (e.g., Darling-Hammond, 2010; Dede, 2010; Griffin, McGaw, & Care, 2012). Educators, curriculum developers, and school administrators need… more
Date: August 2015
Creator: Angnakoon, Putthachat
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Job Satisfaction of Women Faculty at Universities in Seoul, Republic of Korea

Description: The purpose of this study was to determine the job satisfaction levels of full-time women faculty at the 25 universities in Seoul. The findings of this study reveal that (a) women faculty are a diverse group; (b) women faculty are satisfied overall with such components of their jobs as their work, pay, supervision, co-workers, and job in general, but not with opportunities for promotion; and (c) the predictors of job satisfaction for women faculty are private or public institutional type, fiel… more
Date: May 1993
Creator: Pang, Jeannie Myung-suk
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Korean Students' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of their Internship Experiences in the Hospitality Industry in Korea

Description: This research study assessed Korean students' perceptions and overall satisfaction levels regarding the effectiveness of their hospitality internship experiences. Relationships with demographic characteristics were identified. The sample was comprised of 74 senior-level university students enrolled in hospitality and/or tourism management programs who were completing an internship in Korea. Generally, students exhibited low agreement levels on the internship program aspects being investigated. … more
Date: August 1997
Creator: Ju, Jeongeun
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Military Spending, External Dependence, and Economic Growth in Seven Asian Nations: a Cross-National Time-Series Analysis

Description: The theme of this study is that seven major East Asian less developed countries (LDCs) have experienced "dependent development," and that some internal and external intervening factors mattered in that process. Utilizing a framework of "dependent development," the data analysis deals with the political economy of development in these countries. This analysis supports the fundamental arguments of the dependent development perspective, which emphasize positive effects of foreign capital dependenc… more
Date: May 1992
Creator: Ko, Sung-youn
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A National Study of Junior Colleges in South Korea from 1963 to 1991

Description: This study is an analysis of the development of junior colleges in South Korea from 1963 to 1991 based on a survey of junior college presidents. It also identifies current problems facing junior colleges and future plans of junior college presidents. Chapter I states the problems and the purposes of the study. A brief background, the significance of the study, and methodology are also contained in this chapter. Chapter II contains a review of the literature. Sources related to the background of… more
Date: December 1992
Creator: Lee, Suk Ki
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Performance Guide for Young Jo Lee's Dodri for Cello and Janggo (1995): Bulgogi Burger on the Stage

Description: Korean composer Young Jo Lee (b.1943) is considered a precursor of Korean fusion music. In his works, he interlaces elements of traditional Korean music with compositional styles and performances techniques from western musical traditions. This dissertation provides an analysis of Lee's Dodri for Cello and Janggo (1995), one of his most representative works of fusion music. As indicated by the title Dodri (which in Korean means a "movement back and forth"), Lee intended to showcase a friendly i… more
Date: May 2018
Creator: Lee, Jeong-Suk
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Prospects of Korean Reunification: Analysis of Factors Affecting National Integration

Description: This study examined the prospects of Korean reunification. The study explores how the factors of integration affect North and South Korea after the country was divided into the two sides despite its millennium of unity. A sample of both North and South Korean newspapers covering a 47-year period of Korean reunificational efforts were analyzed as a major source of data to discover if there is any evidence of Korean national will to integrate among Koreans in the two countries. Content analysis i… more
Date: December 1992
Creator: Kim, Koo-Hyun
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relationship Between Domestic Savings and Other Economic Indicators in Korea

Description: This study is an analysis of the relationship between domestic savings and three economic indicators in the Republic of Korea during the 1950s through 1980s. While domestic saving is affected by many economic phenomena, the analysis is confined to national income, exports, and inflation. The study is divided into five chapters. These are entitled (1) Introduction, (2) Domestic Savings, (3) Income and Domestic Savings, (4) Exports and Domestic Savings, (5) Inflation and Domestic Savings. In chap… more
Date: August 1986
Creator: Kim, Sunghoo
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Riding the Wave: How the Media Shapes South Korean Concepts of Beauty

Description: This thesis features a qualitative analysis of eight Korean media products — both fiction and nonfiction. For many years, South Korea (hereafter also called Korea) has been called the "world's plastic surgery capital" by many publications, such as Business Insider and The New Yorker. Although Business Insider considers the United States the "vainest country in the world," the numbers of cosmetic surgeries, percentage wise, per person in Korea still outnumber those in the United States, with 20 … more
Date: May 2018
Creator: Streng, Catherine Ann
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Some Causes of Inflation in Korea

Description: The purpose of this study is to find causes of inflation in Korea. We hypothesized that inflation in Korea was a "mixed" inflation generated by not only monetary factors but also nonmonetary factors. The data was obtained mainly from International Finance Statistics (IMF) and Monthly Bulletin (The Bank of Korea). The first chapter introduces the Korean economy. Chapter two surveyed the effects of import prices, wages, and money supply in inflationary process. The third chapter studied some theo… more
Date: August 1985
Creator: Lee, Ihn Shik
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Sources of Organizational Resilience During the 2012 Korean Typhoons: an Institutional Collective Action Framework

Description: The objective of this proposed research is to test whether interorganizational collaboration contributes to the ability of an organization to bounce back swiftly from disasters. The research questions are examined from the Institutional Collective Action (ICA) perspective. The general argument of this dissertation is that organizational resilience can be explained by interorganizational collaboration. The ICA framework, specifically, identifies two general network structures to explain strategi… more
Date: May 2015
Creator: Jung, Kyujin
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Korean Kindergarten Teachers' Concerns

Description: The problem of this study was to identify some concerns of Korean kindergarten teachers at different points in their careers, based on the conceptual framework of Katz's (1972, 1977, 1985) theory of preschool teacher development. This study also described the variations in these concerns on the basis of some teacher characteristics including teaching experience, certification, educational background, inservice training, and teaching assignment. The subjects for this study were 174 volunteers wh… more
Date: December 1992
Creator: Park, Guen K.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Selected Compositional Techniques Found in Young Ja Lee's Variations Pour Piano "Umma ya, Nuna ya" (1996)

Description: Young Ja Lee (b. 1931) is regarded as one of the most important living female composers in Korea. She leads and contributes to the Korean classical music society as a gifted composer and a dedicated educator. This study focuses on how she has combined Western compositional techniques with elements of Eastern traditional music in some of her compositions, in particular, her Variations pour piano "Umma ya, Nuna ya." An interpretation of her Variations pour piano "Umma ya, Nuna ya" reveals that th… more
Date: December 2017
Creator: Shin, Eun Young
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Traditional Bullying and Cyberbullying in Korean Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities: Examination of Contributing Factors

Description: Children and Adolescents with emotional and behavioral disabilities (EBD) are often involved in aggression, acting out, bullying, violence, substance abuse, and juvenile crime. However, the limited Korean studies have focused primarily on bullying of students with developmental disabilities or intellectual disabilities. Therefore, the current study aimed to explore contributing factors to traditional bullying and cyberbullying in Korean children and adolescents with EBD. The current study surve… more
Date: August 2015
Creator: Baek, Ji Eun
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Young Children's Communicative Strategies During Pretend Play in the Context of the Block Center

Description: In this study, various communicative strategies that young children employed to create and develop pretend play with peers in the block center were examined. Two preschools, one in Korea and the other in the United States, were selected. Subjects were children in the 4-year-old classroom in each school. The average age of the children at the time of the investigation was 59 months. For data collection, videotaping, audiotaping, field-note taking, interviews with teachers, and school enrollment … more
Date: May 1996
Creator: Lee, Myungsook
Partner: UNT Libraries
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