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1987 ZYJ GODNIE! Solidarność nie pije
Poster used in the Polish Solidarity movement during the 1980s depicting five figures in reddish orange silhouette. The figure on the far left is chimpanzee like and the next four figures evolve to man. The man at the front of the line is holding a flower in one hand and his other hand holds up two fingers.
Jest Wielka noc będzie zmartwychwstanie
Postcard used in the Polish Solidarity movement during the 1980s depicting the side view, in black outline, a ram holding the Polish flag. The text above and below the image is also in black.
Postcard used in the Polish Solidarity movement during the 1980s depicting a cracked egg inside a broken, red basket.
Wesołych Świąt. Niech przemówią wreszcie ludzkim głosem!
Poster used in the Polish Solidarity movement during the 1980s depicts a Christmas message, in Polish, across the top portion. A yellow star floats in the dark blue ground. Beneath are two figures, one resembles a donkey wearing sunglasses and the other a elephant or a man with huge ears. The two figures appear to be behind a trough, in red.
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