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The Biology and Population Status of Marine Turtles in the North Pacific Ocean
From objectives and scope of work: The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive review of the biology and population status of sea turtles potentially subject to entanglement in North Pacific high-seas driftnet fisheries. The report will assist National Marine Fisheries Service efforts to assess the impacts of the driftnet fisheries on threatened and endangered sea turtle populations.
Economic Effects of the United Nations Moratorium on High Seas Driftnet Fishing
This report presents documentation of the status and trends in the driftnet fleet (Asian fishing vessels carrying large driftnet fishing gear), a summary of the industry and governmental plans for the near future, and an assessment of possible fleet adaptations to the moratorium from a political/economic perspective.
Environment and Resources of Seamounts in the North Pacific
Report that includes summaries of sessions and papers presented at a workshop on "Environment and Resources of Seamounts in the North Pacific," held March 21-23, 1984 at the Orido Community Center near the Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory and the Government Port Building in Shimizu, Japan.
Structured Flotsam as Fish Aggregating Devices
Abstract: A modern adaptation of an old fishing technique is gaining recognition in the Pacific and elsewhere as an effective means to increase fishing productivity in the open sea. The use of man-made, free-floating, and anchored floating devices to aggregate pelagic fishes for subsistence, recreational and commercial fishing has increased markedly in recent years; estimates of deployed and planned units exceed 1,000. These devices have been anchored in depths ranging from several hundred to several thousand fathoms. This report reviews the development and present use of fish aggregating devices in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
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