Testaments of Witness to the will of Chauncey H. Redway by Samuel Bemis, Joseph A. Bemis, and David J. Redway on October 10, 1855. These documents were recorded in Jefferson County on April 18, 1860 in Book 143 of Deeds. Written at the same time of his will, verifying what is said in his will.
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Testaments of Witness to the will of Chauncey H. Redway by Samuel Bemis, Joseph A. Bemis, and David J. Redway on October 10, 1855. These documents were recorded in Jefferson County on April 18, 1860 in Book 143 of Deeds. Written at the same time of his will, verifying what is said in his will.
Physical Description
[6] p. ; 26.5 cm. x 19.5 cm.
The first page is 11.5 cm. in height, while all other pages are 26.5 cm. in height.
This document is part of the following collection of related materials.
The Civil War and its Aftermath: Diverse Perspectives
Archival collections reflect experiences of women, professional men, military men, Texas cattlemen, businessmen, farmers, and government officials. Funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.