Slides presented during panel “Four Case Studies, Four Ways: Highlights from AAUP's Review of OA Projects” at the 2017 annual meeting of the Association of American University Presses. This presentation by the principal investigator of this grant-funded project describes how we chose the topic of Texas and Oklahoma, what has surprised him about working with outside organizations and presses, what the challenges of working with outside organizations and presses have been, and what the good things about working with outside organizations have been.
The UNT Libraries serve the university and community by providing access to physical and online collections, fostering information literacy, supporting academic research, and much, much more.
Slides presented during panel “Four Case Studies, Four Ways: Highlights from AAUP's Review of OA Projects” at the 2017 annual meeting of the Association of American University Presses. This presentation by the principal investigator of this grant-funded project describes how we chose the topic of Texas and Oklahoma, what has surprised him about working with outside organizations and presses, what the challenges of working with outside organizations and presses have been, and what the good things about working with outside organizations have been.
"Broadening Access to Books on Texas and Oklahoma: Application Cover Page and Narrative for Grant Application for Humanities Open Book Program," ark:/67531/metadc826654/
"Broadening access to books on Texas and Oklahoma: Final report, best practices, and lessons learned," ark:/67531/metadc1633737
This presentation is part of the following collection of related materials.
UNT Scholarly Works
Materials from the UNT community's research, creative, and scholarly activities and UNT's Open Access Repository. Access to some items in this collection may be restricted.
This two-year project, led by the University of North Texas Libraries, will broaden access to 141 books selected by one of three publishers or by the UNT Libraries for their relevance to the history of Texas and Oklahoma. It will also broaden access to five humanities-related books to be selected once the grant starts. Those books not yet available online through the Gateway to Oklahoma History, Portal to Texas History, or UNT Digital Library websites will be digitized, with full-text searching, and added to the appropriate site. All books will be converted to EPUB and Kindle formats, made available to download with the digitized version online, and added to the UNT Library Catalog and to WorldCat. The project also includes the production of “print-ready” PDFs from the scans of many of the books to allow them to be made available for sale in print again using print-on-demand technology. This proposal was submitted in June 2015 and funded in December 2015 by the National Endowment for the Humanities for $95,599.
Relationship to this item: (References)
"Broadening Access to Books on Texas and Oklahoma: Application Cover Page and Narrative for Grant Application for Humanities Open Book Program," ark:/67531/metadc826654/
This overview of the grant-funded project was given as a lightning-round presentation during the panel "Giving New Life to Old Books: The NEH/Mellon Humanities Open Book Program" at the 2016 annual meeting of the Association of American University Presses.
Presented at the Humanities Open Book Project Directors Meeting at the National Endowment for the Humanities Headquarters. This lightning presentation contains an overview of the grant-funded project.
This white paper provides a summary of grant activities and provides some best practices and lessons learned for other efforts to make out-of-print humanities books available in ebook format.
Relationship to this item: (Is Referenced By)
"Broadening access to books on Texas and Oklahoma: Final report, best practices, and lessons learned," ark:/67531/metadc1633737