From abstract: The objective of this project was to assess the magnitudes and types of nonpoint discharges that affect the water quality of Pequea Creek. The project included the determination of (1) the total discharge of suspended sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus from the basin; (2) intermittent storm and base-flow discharges from six subbasin sites of varying size, geology, and land use; (3) the difference in magnitudes of the discharges during base-flow periods and storms; and (4) which variables most affect the transport of these constituents.
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From abstract: The objective of this project was to assess the magnitudes and types of nonpoint discharges that affect the water quality of Pequea Creek. The project included the determination of (1) the total discharge of suspended sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus from the basin; (2) intermittent storm and base-flow discharges from six subbasin sites of varying size, geology, and land use; (3) the difference in magnitudes of the discharges during base-flow periods and storms; and (4) which variables most affect the transport of these constituents.
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Ward, Janice R. & Eckhardt, David A.Nonpoint-Source Discharges in Pequea Creek Basin, Pennsylvania, 1977,
November 1979;
United States.
accessed February 13, 2025),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.