Food for Young Children Page: Title Page
This pamphlet is part of the collection entitled: USDA Farmers' Bulletins and was provided to UNT Digital Library by the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.
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WASHINGTON, D. C. 717 AT-CH 4, 1916
Contribution from the States Relations Service, A. C. True, Director.
Scientific Assistant, Office of Home Economics.
Food for children between three and six years of age should be
chosen with reference to their bodily needs, as described in theFi. 1.-A healthy child having a sensible meal. Every child needs (clean, wholesome food, well l)rcpared,
and served in quantity and variety sufficient for normal growth.
following pages, and should be carefully prepared and attractively
served as shown in the above picture.
I Prepared under the direction of C. F. Langworthy, Chief, Office of Home Economics.
NoTE.-This bulletin is in accordance with the principles of child feeding now generally accepted by
the best authorities, and also embodies the results of work done in the laboratory of the Office of I tome
Economics of the States Relations Service, IT. S. Department of Agriculture. It is specially adapted to
the use of mothers who wish some simple and short discussion of the subject expressed in housekeepers'
26604- Bull. 717-16- 1FARMERS'
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Hunt, Caroline Louisa, 1865-1927. Food for Young Children, pamphlet, 1916; Washington D.C.. ( accessed February 14, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.