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The Case for a Publishing Analytics Data Alliance

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This presentation discusses Project Meerkat, a project aimed “to develop guidelines and standards for digital scholarly monograph usage data and to construct a neutral organizational apparatus for the ongoing collection and aggregation of data about these scholarly publications,” and the resulting cooperative to be developed out of that project, the Publishing Analytics Data Alliance.

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16 p.

Creation Information

Hawkins, Kevin S. November 21, 2016.


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This presentation discusses Project Meerkat, a project aimed “to develop guidelines and standards for digital scholarly monograph usage data and to construct a neutral organizational apparatus for the ongoing collection and aggregation of data about these scholarly publications,” and the resulting cooperative to be developed out of that project, the Publishing Analytics Data Alliance.

Physical Description

16 p.


  • "Effecting Change in Scholarly Communication: Opportunities and Costs," Research Without Borders Symposium, Columbia University Libraries Scholarly Communication Program. November 21, 2016. New York, NY, United States


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UNT Scholarly Works

Materials from the UNT community's research, creative, and scholarly activities and UNT's Open Access Repository. Access to some items in this collection may be restricted.

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The Case for a Publishing Analytics Data Alliance (Presentation)

The Case for a Publishing Analytics Data Alliance

Digital technology is making it possible for publishers and libraries to gather data on the dissemination and use of scholarly publications in unprecedented detail and on an unprecedented scale. While data arising from the digital distribution of content provides new opportunities for understanding the scholarly communication ecosystem, it also creates socio-technical challenges for understanding how scholarly content is shared and used across networked knowledge landscapes. Libraries and institutions will require the context that aggregate data can provide to effectively use the data they collect, but they will be unable to create this context alone. This risks leaving the collection of data in the hands of a small number of well-resourced organizations—likely commercial—that do not answer to the community. The proposed Publishing Analytics Data Alliance will serve as a cooperative in which representatives from all of the relevant academic publishing stakeholder groups (academic publishers, research libraries, research centers, and aggregators) collaborate to address the socio-technical challenges around publishing analytics: developing a data model, workflows, and prototype for aggregation and display of usage data relating to digital monographs, and creating an accompanying code of ethics and terms of use for data gathering, analysis, and dissemination by members.

Relationship to this item: (Is Version Of)

"The Case for a Publishing Analytics Data Alliance," ark:/67531/metadc826650/

A cooperative for big data in scholarly publishing (Presentation)

A cooperative for big data in scholarly publishing

Presented at Data Power 2017. This presentation describes the vision for a cooperative of stakeholder institutions called the Publishing Analytics Data Alliance.

A cooperative for big data in scholarly publishing - ark:/67531/metadc987487

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Creation Date

  • November 21, 2016

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • Dec. 21, 2016, 11:10 p.m.

Description Last Updated

  • Nov. 20, 2023, 10:05 a.m.

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Hawkins, Kevin S. The Case for a Publishing Analytics Data Alliance, presentation, November 21, 2016; ( accessed February 19, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; .

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