Full title on title page: "N. W. Ayer & Son's American Newspaper Annual containing a Catalogue of American Newspapers, a carefully prepared list of all newspapers and periodicals published in the United States, Territories, and Dominion of Canada, Cuba and the West Indian Islands, with valuable information regarding their circulation, issue, date of establishment, political or other distinctive features, names of editors and publishers, and street addresses in cities of fifty thousand inhabitants and upward, together with the population of the counties and places in which the papers are published. A Description of Every Place in the United States and Canada in which a newspaper is published, including railroad, telegraph, express and banking facilities, also state, territory and province, giving location, character of surface and soil, chief products and manufacturers, forming a valuable guide to the judicious placing of any line of advertising.
Sixty-one maps of the United States and its posessions, the Canadian Provinces and the West Indian Islands, carefully revised and corrected to date. A separate list of all daily newspapers in the United States and its posessions and the Dominion of Canada which are published throughout the year. Lists of Monthly and Weekly Publications of General Circulation, Religious and Agricultural Publications, the various class publications, newspapers published in foreign languages, co-operative newspaper lists, etc. Also the advertisers' telegraph code."
"Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1909 by N. W. Ayer & Son, in the office of the librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C."