N. W. Ayer & Son's American Newspaper Annual: containing a Catalogue of American Newspapers, a List of All Newspapers of the United States and Canada, 1889: Searching Inside

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420 results that matched your query. Showing page 1 of 21.

Page: 1035 (standard view) | zoom view

.... The Sun, The Sunday News, INDIANAPOLIS,. DETROIT. MICH. JVew Fork.... Louis Has 27,000 actual daily circulation, and is growing every day. " The Indianapolis Sun," the only... of the United States, (Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsb'urgh, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Indianapolis,) have a combined

Page: 986 (standard view) | zoom view

... .............................Red loud...... 0 Sun .......... ......................... Denver .......... 9(10 Guide ........p.................. 6...... ....Su r 6 0 Indiana Phalanx ..................... Indianapolis ....3,150... 2,3........... ........Anbur........1,200 Sun ...... ........... Lisbon. ... . 525... 00 Temple Star ..................... ....... 36 Rising Sun

Page: 120 (standard view) | zoom view

.... vote 26il,;61; Dom. 260,969; Prohib. 9,877; Union Labor 2,694. STATE CAPITAL, INDIANAPOLIS....,. Sun.....Independent 1885 26x40 4 5.00 750 J. W. KNIGirr &n Dony BIDDLE, Editors and Publishers. Democrat

Page: 674 (standard view) | zoom view

..., 10.470; value of prodlclts,. 28.425,874. Coulllty-saet Indianapolis (State capital also), pop. 85,000... .... t3,100 Sun (dltily)...................Ind.... Snnday Journal ................e "....... .. ...,90 West Indianapolis Advocate..Loal..... Wheelmon's Gazette (mo.).... Bicyc

Page: 985 (standard view) | zoom view

... monthly) ......... Sun and Shade (monthly)............ ........ Wi 1 s on's Photogra.hil)ic Magazine... A... . ..$, IN IAnA. Clay Worker (monthly) ...............Indianapolis.... .5,500 PENNSYLVANIA

Page: 992 (standard view) | zoom view

... N. W. AYER & SON'S NEWSPAPER ANNUAL. SUN DAY-SCHOOL. GEORGIA. Ci Kind. Words... Visitor (Jewish) (semi-mo.) ........ 32 INDIANA. Presbyterian Teacher (monthly) .....Indianapolis

Page: 127 (standard view) | zoom view

..... ................... ex. Sun .....Independent 1887T 20x<26 4 6.00 IAMMOiND PRINTING COMPANY. Publishers. Tribune... BEIT SMALL, Editor; J. W. VAN DEMAN, Illblisher. INDIANAPOLIS -, pop. s85,000; MAANION CO., pop

Page: 668 (standard view) | zoom view

..., 263,tB61; Dell. 26(0,969:t rolil)., 9,877; Ullion Labor, 2,694. STATIr CAPITAL, INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA...,, Del, tl)e l sh I' e se.. . ......... Gazette (ld:ily)-see Sun.- - e. R . o!/ .l Rzelte ........

Page: 1114 (standard view) | zoom view

... Newspaper Union INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. First-class llediums for reaching the people of Indiana. Reasonable... rates. Good service. Apply to W. H. LEEDY, Manager, Indianapolis Ind., or to P. T. BARRY, 10 Spruce St

Page: 989 (standard view) | zoom view

...)... . INDIANA. Masonic Advocate (monthly)........Indianapolis.... 6,400 KANSAS. Light (semi-monthly... Fellows' Talismanl (monthly). ..Indianapolis .. .t6,500 CIRCULATION: * Sworn. 4 Publishers' reports

Page: 983 (standard view) | zoom view

... Worker (monthly) .............Indianapolis... .17,850 MINNESOTA. Mississippi Valley Lumbermaln , ,,.,...) ................... " ......... 1,000 INDIANA. Stne monthlyy) ......................Indianapolis ... 13,000

Page: 128 (standard view) | zoom view

.... 1889 INDIANAPOLIS I, (Ci,,wlued) s/laki. Sie. 1lg/e... tioa , f ,SP'en, ti1n ....... .......... INDIANAPOLIS SENTINMrL Co., Editors and Publishers, 71 anid 73

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