Video recording of a lightning talks session at the 2016 Library Publishing Forum. In this session, presenters discuss Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives at local and international levels.
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Video recording of a lightning talks session at the 2016 Library Publishing Forum. In this session, presenters discuss Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives at local and international levels.
Physical Description
1 video, (37 min., 38 sec.) : sd., col.
This session includes three lightning talk presentations: "Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts: Building Support for OER from Existing Services on Campus" by Matt Ruen, "ARL SPEC Kit: Affordable and Open Educational Resource Initiatives in Libraries" by Anita Walz, and "The Global Open Textbook Co-operative Project: New Ways to Support International Perspectives on Learning" by Kevin Stranack.
This video is part of the following collection of related materials.
Library Publishing Forum 2016
The Library Publishing Forum brings together representatives from libraries engaged in (or considering) publishing initiatives to define and address major questions and challenges; to identify and document collaborative opportunities; to strengthen and promote this community of practice; and to advance this vibrant subfield of academic publishing. This collection contains videos of presentations made at the forum May 19-20, 2016.