Master's Recital: 2013-11-23 - Megan Sherrod LaFour, mezzo-soprano and Nola Strand, collaborative piano
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- Brahms: Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103, He, Zigeuner, greife in die Saiten ein! 0:01:08
- Brahms: Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103, Hochget��rmte Rimaflut 0:01:14
- Brahms: Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103, Wisst ihr, wann mein Kindchen am allersch��nsten ist? 0:01:42
- Brahms: Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103, Lieber Gott, du wei��t, wie oft bereut ich hab' 0:01:27
- Brahms: Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103, Brauner Bursche f��hrt zum Tanze 0:01:32
- Brahms: Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103, R��slein dreie in der Reihe bl��h'n so rot 0:01:43
- Brahms: Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103, Kommt dir manchmal in den Sinn, mein s����es Lieb? 0:02:16
- Brahms: Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103, Rote Abendwolken zieh'n am Firmament 0:01:32
- Debussy: Chansons de Bilitis, La fl��te de Pan 0:02:49
- Debussy: Chansons de Bilitis, La chevelure 0:03:22
- Debussy: Chansons de Bilitis, Le tombeau des na��ades 0:02:59
- Mozart: "Ch'io mi scordi di te?...Non temer, amato bene," K. 505 0:10:51
- Falla: Siete canciones populares espa��olas, El pa��o moruno 0:01:22
- Falla: Siete canciones populares espa��olas, Seguidilla murciana 0:01:34
- Falla: Siete canciones populares espa��olas, Asturiana 0:02:29
Note: There are 5 more tracks associated with this sound recording.
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Master's Recital: 2013-11-23 - Megan Sherrod LaFour, mezzo-soprano and Nola Strand, collaborative piano, audio recording, November 23, 2013; Denton, Texas. ( accessed February 17, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Music Library.