An experimental study was made to determine the effective shielding provided by a modern reinforced-concrete office building (AEC Headquarters building) from nuclear fall-out. Pocket ionization chambers were used for measurement of the radiation-field strength. Fall-out was simulated with distributed and point-source configurations of Co/sup 60/ and Ir/sup 192/ sources. Four typical sections were selected for study, and experiments were performed on each. These included an external wing with exposed basement walls and an external wing with a buried basement. Roof studies were made on an internal wing with a full basement and on the east end of wing A, which …
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An experimental study was made to determine the effective shielding provided by a modern reinforced-concrete office building (AEC Headquarters building) from nuclear fall-out. Pocket ionization chambers were used for measurement of the radiation-field strength. Fall-out was simulated with distributed and point-source configurations of Co/sup 60/ and Ir/sup 192/ sources. Four typical sections were selected for study, and experiments were performed on each. These included an external wing with exposed basement walls and an external wing with a buried basement. Roof studies were made on an internal wing with a full basement and on the east end of wing A, which has a thin-roof construction. The thick-roof construction of 8 in. of concrete and 2 in. of rigid insulation covers all the building except the east end of wing A, which has 4 in. of concrete and 2 in. of insulation. (auth)
Other Information: With this is bound Appendix A: Division of Biology and Medicine, Health Protection Branch, AEC. RADIATION-SAFETY OPERATIONS. James E. Turner. Orig. Receipt Date: 31-DEC-60
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Batter, Jr., J. F.; Kaplan, A. L. & Clarke, E. T.An Experimental Evaluation of the Radiation Protection Afforded by a Large Modern Concrete Office Building,
May 1, 1959;
United States.
accessed September 15, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.