High-energy studies of the (p, 2p) reaction in Zn{sup 68} and Fe{sup 57} are being carried out. The excitation functions for the reactions, Zn{sup 68}(p, 2p)Cu{sup 67} and Fe{sup 57} (p, 2p)Mn{sup 56} are being measured from 400 Mev to 6.2 Bev. Preliminary results are shown in Table 1. The cross sections are calculated on the basis of a 10.7-mb cross section for the Al{sup 27} (p, 3pn)Na{sup 24} reaction used to monitor the proton beam. The yield of Mn{sup 52} from proton bombardments of natural iron is found to be approximately constant at 7 mb over the energy region 400 Mev to 4.0 Bev. Similarly, the yields of Cu{sup 61} and Cu{sup 64} from proton bombardment of natural zinc are constant at 17 mb and 13 mb, respectively, over the same energy region. Experiments are being carried out in an attempt to measure the cross section for the reaction Zn{sup 68} ({pi}{sup +}, {pi}{sup +}p)Cu{sup 67}, using 310-Mev {pi}{sup +} produced at the 184-inch cyclotron. The meson beam, which is produced by 720-Mev protons incident on copper, has an intensity of about 10{sup 6} {pi}{sup +} per min over a 3-in.-diameter circle. The total induced activity of Cu{sup 67} from zinc of natural isotopic composition is about 100 cpm as detected by an end-window gas-flow proportional counter. The target thickness is 600 mg/cm{sup 2}, so that the mesons lose only about 5 Mev in passing through the target. Bombardment time is from 8 to 20 hours. Copper-67, half-life 61 hours, has been radiochemically detected, and experiments are being carried out to determine what part of the observed activity is due to the Zn{sup 68} ({pi}{sup +}, {pi}{sup +}p)Cu{sup 67} reaction and what part is due to the interaction of stray or secondary fast neutrons with Zn{sup 67} (4.1% abundant) to produce the (n, p) reaction or with Zn{sup 68} (18.6% abundant) to produce Cu{sup 67} via the (n, pn) reaction.