Physical Limitations on the Measurement of Transient Fields in Air and in Dissipative Media Using Electric and Magnetic Probes

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The properties of electric and magnetic probes for the measurement of transient electromagnetic fields in air and in dissipative media are discussed briefly, It is shown that the effective height of an electrically small loop is independent of the ambient medium. This is also virtually true for a thin electrically short dipole (or monopole). If the open-circuit voltage of a magnetic probe can be measured accurately, it is possible (in principle) to reconstruct the time history of the incident magnetic field, even if the loop is immersed in dissipative media of unknown characteristics. The time function of the open-circuit voltage … continued below

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9 p.

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Harrison, C. W., Jr. November 1, 1963.


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The properties of electric and magnetic probes for the measurement of transient electromagnetic fields in air and in dissipative media are discussed briefly, It is shown that the effective height of an electrically small loop is independent of the ambient medium. This is also virtually true for a thin electrically short dipole (or monopole). If the open-circuit voltage of a magnetic probe can be measured accurately, it is possible (in principle) to reconstruct the time history of the incident magnetic field, even if the loop is immersed in dissipative media of unknown characteristics. The time function of the open-circuit voltage of an electric probe is essentially a replica of the time history of the incident electric field. In some schemes, the probes are lumped impedance loaded, and the voltage drop across the load impedances is measured. The source impedances of the probes are then involved in the equivalent circuits of the receiving antennas, and the leading terms in the expressions for these impedances depend on the properties of the environment. If an electrically short monopole is base-loaded by a capacitor divider, the voltage wave appearing across any capacitor is a faithful reproduction of the time sequence of the incident electric field provided the measurement is made in air or other dielectric. (auth)

Physical Description

9 p.


Other Information: Orig. Receipt Date: 31-DEC-64


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Office of Scientific & Technical Information Technical Reports

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  • November 1, 1963

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  • Sept. 16, 2016, 12:32 a.m.

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  • Nov. 23, 2024, 3:57 a.m.

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Harrison, C. W., Jr. Physical Limitations on the Measurement of Transient Fields in Air and in Dissipative Media Using Electric and Magnetic Probes, report, November 1, 1963; Albuquerque, New Mexico. ( accessed February 16, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.

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