Modifications of EBWR are described, and data from analysis of control- rod operational crud deposit are tabulated. Development and construction progress on Borax V are summarized. Research for ZPR III is reported on a series of uranium oxide critical cores. Comparative data on composition, critical masses, and central fission ratios are tabulated for these assemblies. Developmental work on ZPR-VI, ZPR-IX, and Juggernaut is summarized, followed by a summary of EBR-I operation and development of EBR-II. Studies of reactor steam superheating concepts are reported from which conclusions are listed. In reactor safety studies, data were obtained on the extent of water …
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Modifications of EBWR are described, and data from analysis of control- rod operational crud deposit are tabulated. Development and construction progress on Borax V are summarized. Research for ZPR III is reported on a series of uranium oxide critical cores. Comparative data on composition, critical masses, and central fission ratios are tabulated for these assemblies. Developmental work on ZPR-VI, ZPR-IX, and Juggernaut is summarized, followed by a summary of EBR-I operation and development of EBR-II. Studies of reactor steam superheating concepts are reported from which conclusions are listed. In reactor safety studies, data were obtained on the extent of water reaction with various metal combinations for use in cores as function of energy input. In other work in-pile melt down studies were conducted. Operation and development of TREAT are described. Nuclear technological developments are summarized in sections on physics, fuel development, reactor components and materials, separations development, and advanced reactor development. (For preceding period see ANL- 6295.) (J.R.D.)
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Office of Scientific & Technical Information Technical Reports
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Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) is the Department of Energy (DOE) office that collects, preserves, and disseminates DOE-sponsored research and development (R&D) results that are the outcomes of R&D projects or other funded activities at DOE labs and facilities nationwide and grantees at universities and other institutions.