A neutron-sensitive semiconductor counter was constructed by depositing a thin layer of Li/sup 6/F between two silicon surface-barrier counters. Neutrons are detected by observing the alpha + T pair resulting from the Li/sup 6/(n, alpha )T reaction; pulses from the two counters are added, and the sum pulse is amplified and recorded on a multichannel analyzer. Since the sandwich geometry permits simultaneous detection of both reaction products, the magnitude of the resulting sum pulse is proportional to the energy of the incoming neutron. Pulse-height spectra from slow neutrons and monoenergetic fast neutrons. in the energy region 0.6 to 3.5 Mev, …
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Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (United States)
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A neutron-sensitive semiconductor counter was constructed by depositing a thin layer of Li/sup 6/F between two silicon surface-barrier counters. Neutrons are detected by observing the alpha + T pair resulting from the Li/sup 6/(n, alpha )T reaction; pulses from the two counters are added, and the sum pulse is amplified and recorded on a multichannel analyzer. Since the sandwich geometry permits simultaneous detection of both reaction products, the magnitude of the resulting sum pulse is proportional to the energy of the incoming neutron. Pulse-height spectra from slow neutrons and monoenergetic fast neutrons. in the energy region 0.6 to 3.5 Mev, were recorded from two counters of this type; in both counters the sensitive area was about 0.7 cm/sup 2/, with a Li/sup 6/F layer of order 150 mu g/cm thick. In all cases. a well defined neutron peak was observed in the pulse-height spectrum. In a typical case the full width at half maximum of the fast-neutron peak was about 300 kev. Counters of this type are relatively insensitive to background effects, notably gamma rays, and thus may prove to be useful in the detection and spectroscopy of fast neutrons. (auth)
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May 31, 1960;
accessed September 14, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu;
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