During a feasibility study of auxiliary shutdown systems for the Spert II and Spert III reactor facilities, salts possessing high neutron absorption cross sections were considered for use in water soluble poison injection systems, and gadolinium nitrate appeared promising. Tests were carried out in a high pressure static autoclave to determine the stability of gadolinium nitrate solution at elevated temperature. At temperatures of 300 deg F and above, the solution decomposed with formation of a white precipitate. It was concluded that gadolinium nitrate is unsuitable for use as a soluble poison in high temperature, watermoderated reactor systems. (auth)
Publisher Info:
Phillips Petroleum Co. Atomic Energy Div., Idaho Falls, Idaho
Place of Publication:
Idaho Falls, Idaho
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During a feasibility study of auxiliary shutdown systems for the Spert II and Spert III reactor facilities, salts possessing high neutron absorption cross sections were considered for use in water soluble poison injection systems, and gadolinium nitrate appeared promising. Tests were carried out in a high pressure static autoclave to determine the stability of gadolinium nitrate solution at elevated temperature. At temperatures of 300 deg F and above, the solution decomposed with formation of a white precipitate. It was concluded that gadolinium nitrate is unsuitable for use as a soluble poison in high temperature, watermoderated reactor systems. (auth)
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Koenig, J. F.Thermal Stability of Gadolinum Nitrate Solution at High Temperature,
May 19, 1961;
Idaho Falls, Idaho.
accessed December 9, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.