A hydraulic analysis of the Pathfinder boiler core was completed. A description of flow paths including a schematic diagram is included. Pressure drops along primary and leakage fiow paths were calculatsd. After the resistance of each of the leakage paths was identified and the available driving forces in terms of pressure drops associated with the active fiow were established, the leakage rates were easily determined. The dependence of pressure drops on core operating parameters was investigated. The boiler flow rates were also determined. The natural circulation flow rate as a function of power level was estimated at normal condltions of …
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Publisher Info:
Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. Atomic Energy Div., Milwaukee
Place of Publication:
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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A hydraulic analysis of the Pathfinder boiler core was completed. A description of flow paths including a schematic diagram is included. Pressure drops along primary and leakage fiow paths were calculatsd. After the resistance of each of the leakage paths was identified and the available driving forces in terms of pressure drops associated with the active fiow were established, the leakage rates were easily determined. The dependence of pressure drops on core operating parameters was investigated. The boiler flow rates were also determined. The natural circulation flow rate as a function of power level was estimated at normal condltions of temperature and pressure. The relationships between the boiler parameters of fiow, power, pressure, and inlet subcooling which arise through the laws of conservation of mass and energy are presented. (M.C.G.)
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Office of Scientific & Technical Information Technical Reports
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February 15, 1961;
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
accessed September 8, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.