Storming the City: U.S. Military Performance in Urban Warfare from World War II to Vietnam

One of 4 books in the series: American military studies available on this site.

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Book describing military philosophy before and after WWII, with full chapters analyzing how the U.S. Army and Marine Corps engaged in urban warfare during four specific battles: Aachen (October 1944), Manila (February 1945), Seoul (September 1959), and Hue (February 1968). Index starts on page 363.

Physical Description

xvi, 368 p. : ill.

Creation Information

Wahlman, Alec October 2015.


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  • Wahlman, Alec

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  • Main Title: Storming the City: U.S. Military Performance in Urban Warfare from World War II to Vietnam
  • Series Title: American military studies
  • Added Title: Number 1 in the American Military Studies Series


Book describing military philosophy before and after WWII, with full chapters analyzing how the U.S. Army and Marine Corps engaged in urban warfare during four specific battles: Aachen (October 1944), Manila (February 1945), Seoul (September 1959), and Hue (February 1968). Index starts on page 363.

Physical Description

xvi, 368 p. : ill.


Publisher's description: In an increasingly urbanized world, urban terrain has become a greater factor in military operations. Simultaneously, advances in military technology have given military forces sharply increased capabilities. The conflict comes from how urban terrain can negate or degrade many of those increased capabilities. What happens when advanced weapons are used in a close-range urban fight with an abundance of cover?
Storming the City explores these issues by analyzing the performance of the US Army and US Marine Corps in urban combat in four major urban battles of the mid-twentieth century (Aachen 1944, Manila 1945, Seoul 1950, and Hue 1968). Alec Wahlman assesses each battle using a similar framework of capability categories, and separate chapters address urban warfare in American military thought.
In the four battles, across a wide range of conditions, American forces were ultimately successful in capturing each city because of two factors: transferable competence and battlefield adaptation. The preparations US forces made for warfare writ large proved generally applicable to urban warfare. Battlefield adaptation, a strong suit of American forces, filled in where those overall preparations for combat needed fine tuning. From World War Two to Vietnam, however, there was a gradual reduction in tactical performance in the four battles.


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  • OCLC: 910310130
  • ISBN: 9781574416190
  • ISBN: 1574416197
  • Library of Congress Control Number: 2015020381
  • Call Number: U167.5.S7 W45 2015
  • Series Number: 1
  • Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metadc862909


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  • October 2015

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  • Sept. 7, 2016, 6:13 p.m.

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  • April 16, 2019, 6:40 p.m.

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Wahlman, Alec. Storming the City: U.S. Military Performance in Urban Warfare from World War II to Vietnam, book, October 2015; Denton, Texas. ( accessed February 17, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Press.

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