Ready, Set, Walk: Promoting Patron Fitness Through Community Partnership
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This poster describes the planning and implementation process for a walking program for Haslet Public Library patrons in partnership with Texas A&M's Walk Across Texas program.
Situated at the intersection of people, technology, and information, the College of Information's faculty, staff and students invest in innovative research, collaborative partnerships, and student-centered education to serve a global information society. The college offers programs of study in information science, learning technologies, and linguistics.
This poster describes the planning and implementation process for a walking program for Haslet Public Library patrons in partnership with Texas A&M's Walk Across Texas program.
This poster is part of the following collection of related materials.
UNT Graduate Student Works
This collection houses graduate student works other than theses and dissertations. All materials have been previously accepted by a professional organization or approved by a faculty mentor. The collection includes, but is not limited to projects or problems in lieu of thesis, supplemental files associated with theses and dissertations, posters, recitals, presentations, articles, reviews, book chapters, exhibitions, and artwork. Some items in this collection are restricted to use by the UNT community.