The UNT Honors College is dedicated to enriching the undergraduate academic experience for talented, motivated, and well-prepared students. The college offers its members many benefits, including challenging classes, training in research methods and skills, eligibility to live in Rawlins Hall or Honors Hall, and a supportive social and academic environment.
Poster presentation for the 2009 University Scholars Day at at the University of North Texas discussing research on DNA profiling and forensics.
Physical Description
1 p.
Abstract: Forensic sciences is the application of science to the legal system. Within forensics, the use of DNA is very important in inspecting profiles and solving crimes. In crime scene investigation, biological samples, such as blood and semen, do not usually contain enough DNA to perform the tests needed to 3.00reate a biological profile. The purpose of this research is to compare the processes used in DNA testing to determine which is best for the criminal justice and forensics fields. For my methodology, I will study at least ten court cases to look at the use of DNA over time. I am hoping to find a correlation between the use of DNA to convict criminals and the use of other corroborating evidence; by doing this, I will learn if courts are convicting criminals based solely on DNA evidence or if they need other evidence as well.
This poster is part of the following collection of related materials.
UNT Undergraduate Student Works
This collection presents scholarly and artistic content created by undergraduate students. All materials have been previously accepted by a professional organization or approved by a faculty mentor. Most classroom assignments are not eligible for inclusion. The collection includes, but is not limited to Honors College theses, thesis supplemental files, professional presentations, articles, and posters. Some items in this collection are restricted to use by the UNT community.