This poster discusses an experiential learning activity for the UNT course DFST 3123 Child Development. The goal of the activity is to support student information-seeking and information-processing skills and guide students as they gain skills in identifying, understanding, and applying evidence-based research findings to child development.
The UNT College of Education prepares professionals and scholars who contribute to the advancement of education, health, and human development. Programs in the college prepare teachers, leaders, physical activity and health specialists, educational researchers, recreational leaders, child development and family studies specialists, doctoral faculty, counselors, and special and gifted education teachers and leaders.
This poster discusses an experiential learning activity for the UNT course DFST 3123 Child Development. The goal of the activity is to support student information-seeking and information-processing skills and guide students as they gain skills in identifying, understanding, and applying evidence-based research findings to child development.
This poster is part of the following collection of related materials.
UNT Scholarly Works
Materials from the UNT community's research, creative, and scholarly activities and UNT's Open Access Repository. Access to some items in this collection may be restricted.