On Feb. 1, 2003, Shuttle Columbia was lost during its return to Earth. Investigators have found the cause. Official Board site providing press releases, events, and other information regarding the ongoing investigation.
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On Feb. 1, 2003, Shuttle Columbia was lost during its return to Earth. Investigators have found the cause. Official Board site providing press releases, events, and other information regarding the ongoing investigation.
earliest site date: 2003-02-04 site last updated: 2003-10-28 site harvested: 2004-08-01 site uploaded to UNT server: 2004-09-01
Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report: Volume 5. Other Significant Documents - ark:/67531/metadc1282014
Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report: Volume 4. Other Technical Documents - ark:/67531/metadc1282011
Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report: Volume 3. Other Technical Documents Cited in the Report - ark:/67531/metadc1282039
Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report: Volume 6.Transcripts of Board Public Hearings - ark:/67531/metadc1282040
Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report: Volume 5 Appendices G.10-G.12. Other Significant Documents - ark:/67531/metadc1282028
Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report: Volume 5 Appendices G.1 - G.9. Other Significant Documents - ark:/67531/metadc1282038
This site is part of the following collection of related materials.
The CyberCemetery provides permanent public access to the web sites and publications of defunct U.S. government agencies and commissions. This collection is provided through a partnership between the UNT Libraries, the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), as part of the Federal Depository Library Program.
Second volume of the final report produced by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board including appendices on reports produced by NASA and other organizations in support of the investigation into the February 1, 2003 destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia. Volume 2 includes appendix D.a through D.20.
Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report: Volume 2. CAIB Technical Documents Cited in the Report - ark:/67531/metadc1282015
First volume of the final report produced by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board including the details of the Board's seven month investigation into the February 1, 2003 loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia. It includes sections on the accident, why it occurred, and observations for the future.
Fifth volume of the final report produced by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board including documents produced by NASA and other organizations that were provided to the Columbia Accident Investigation Board in support of its inquiry into the February 1, 2003 destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia.
Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report: Volume 5. Other Significant Documents - ark:/67531/metadc1282014
Fourth volume of the final report produced by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board including documents produced by NASA and other organizations which were provided to the Columbia Accident Investigation Board in support of its inquiry into the February 1, 2003 destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia. This report contains appendix F.1 through F.5.
Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report: Volume 4. Other Technical Documents - ark:/67531/metadc1282011
Third volume of the final report produced by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board including assorted technical documents produced by NASA and other organizations in support of the Board's inquiry into the February 1, 2003 destruction of Space Shuttle Columbia.This report includes appendix E.1 through E.4.
Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report: Volume 3. Other Technical Documents Cited in the Report - ark:/67531/metadc1282039
Columbia Accident Investigation Board.Columbia Accident Investigation Board,
February 4, 2003;
accessed February 12, 2025),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.