Contextual Metadata in Digital Aggregations: Application of Collection-Level Subject Metadata and its Role in User Interactions and Information Retrieval

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Article discussing a study of contextual metadata in digital aggregations. Results of this study prove importance of provision of collection-level metadata in general and subject metadata in particular to enhance user experiences and information retrieval in digital libraries.

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21 p.

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Zavalina, Oksana December 19, 2011.


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Article discussing a study of contextual metadata in digital aggregations. Results of this study prove importance of provision of collection-level metadata in general and subject metadata in particular to enhance user experiences and information retrieval in digital libraries.

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21 p.


This is the preprint of an article whose final and definitive form has been published in the Journal of Library Metadata © 2011 Taylor & Francis; Journal of Library Metadata is available online at:

Abstract: A number of digital libraries that aggregate multiple digital collections are now generating subject metadata to describe intellectual content of entire digital collections as integrated wholes and to provide context for individual digital objects within them. However, the utility of this important contextual metadata has not been empirically evaluated. The exploratory study reported in this article examined and compared collection-level subject metadata in three large-scale aggregations of cultural heritage digital collections in the United States and the European Union and analyzed the role of collection-level metadata in information retrieval in digital aggregations based on user search queries derived from transaction logs. A small-scale targeted user study, which combined interviews and observations of users interacting with an aggregation, was undertaken to complement evidence-based content analysis data. The study revealed considerable variability in two indicators: consistency of applying controlled-vocabulary collection-level subject metadata elements beyond topical and value length of metadata elements. Both free-text and controlled-vocabulary subject metadata were found vital in answering search queries of aggregation users. Users also expressed preference for viewing complete structured collection-level metadata records, which include subject metadata. Results of this study prove importance of provision of collection-level metadata in general and subject metadata in particular to enhance user experiences and information retrieval in digital libraries.


  • Journal of Library Metadata, 11(3-4), Taylor & Francis, December 19, 2011, pp. 1-21


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  • Publication Title: Journal of Library Metadata
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 3-4
  • Page Start: 104
  • Page End: 128
  • Peer Reviewed: Yes


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  • December 19, 2011

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  • March 2, 2012, 11:47 a.m.

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  • Dec. 8, 2023, 11:51 a.m.

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Zavalina, Oksana. Contextual Metadata in Digital Aggregations: Application of Collection-Level Subject Metadata and its Role in User Interactions and Information Retrieval, article, December 19, 2011; [New York, New York]. ( accessed February 12, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT College of Information.

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