Report containing information of general interest to manufacturers and users of liquid-in-glass thermometers. This report supersedes Monograph 90. Instructions explaining how to submit a thermometer to the National Bureau of Standards for calibration are provided, and the techniques and equipment, such as stirred liquid comparison baths, used in the calibration procedures are described. A discussion of important principles of acceptable thermometer design and factors affecting their use is included. Listed are tables of tolerances reflecting good manufacturing practices and reasonably attainable accuracies expected with liquid-in-glass thermometers. The calculation of corrections for the temperature of the emergent stem is given in …
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Report containing information of general interest to manufacturers and users of liquid-in-glass thermometers. This report supersedes Monograph 90. Instructions explaining how to submit a thermometer to the National Bureau of Standards for calibration are provided, and the techniques and equipment, such as stirred liquid comparison baths, used in the calibration procedures are described. A discussion of important principles of acceptable thermometer design and factors affecting their use is included. Listed are tables of tolerances reflecting good manufacturing practices and reasonably attainable accuracies expected with liquid-in-glass thermometers. The calculation of corrections for the temperature of the emergent stem is given in detail for various types of thermometers and conditions of use.
Physical Description
iv, 26 p.
"Issued January 1976." "Supersedes NBS Monograph 90."
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