Chemical development Separations Technology Unit. Progress report

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The Redox Plant operated at a 76.7% time efficiency (IAF basis) and averaged 3.16 tons of uranium per operating day during the month. During the period from July 4 through July 13, 38,000 gallons of 72% ANN from Tygon-lined storage tank SS-112 were used in aqueous salt solution make-ups with some emulsion difficulty and fission-product carry-over resulting. New ANN, from stainless-steel tanks, was used for the balance of the month. An extensive (thermally) hot 60% HNO{sub 3} cleanout was given to the IA, IB, 2D, 3D, 2A, and 3A columns and associated salt solution head tanks to prepare the solvent-extraction … continued below

Physical Description

38 p.

Creation Information

Woodfield, F. W. July 31, 1952.


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The Redox Plant operated at a 76.7% time efficiency (IAF basis) and averaged 3.16 tons of uranium per operating day during the month. During the period from July 4 through July 13, 38,000 gallons of 72% ANN from Tygon-lined storage tank SS-112 were used in aqueous salt solution make-ups with some emulsion difficulty and fission-product carry-over resulting. New ANN, from stainless-steel tanks, was used for the balance of the month. An extensive (thermally) hot 60% HNO{sub 3} cleanout was given to the IA, IB, 2D, 3D, 2A, and 3A columns and associated salt solution head tanks to prepare the solvent-extraction battery for operation using 90-day `cooled` uranium. Continuous cross-over oxidation to improve 2A Column waste losses, and employment of KOH (vice NaOH) in 2DS, ICU, and 2EU butt additions to minimize Na in 3EU, were begun concurrently on July 20. Aged (90-day) uranium in head-end treated feed batches, was started to the IA Column on July 21, with early data indicating adequate two-cycle decontamination for both uranium and plutonium.

Physical Description

38 p.


OSTI as DE95009502

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Office of Scientific & Technical Information Technical Reports

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Creation Date

  • July 31, 1952

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • July 25, 2015, 2:21 a.m.

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  • Nov. 14, 2024, 3:14 a.m.

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Woodfield, F. W. Chemical development Separations Technology Unit. Progress report, report, July 31, 1952; United States. ( accessed February 10, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.

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