The possibility of overshooting the anticipated normal acceleration as a result of the artificial-feel characteristics of the F-89C airplane at a condition of minimum static stability was investigated analytically by means of an electronic simulator. Several methods of improving the stick-force characteristics were studied. It is shown that, due to the lag in build-up of the portion of the stick force introduced by the bobweight, it would be possible for excessive overshoots of normal acceleration to occur in abrupt maneuvers with reasonable assumed control movements. The addition of a transient stick force proportional to pitching acceleration (which leads the normal …
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The possibility of overshooting the anticipated normal acceleration as a result of the artificial-feel characteristics of the F-89C airplane at a condition of minimum static stability was investigated analytically by means of an electronic simulator. Several methods of improving the stick-force characteristics were studied. It is shown that, due to the lag in build-up of the portion of the stick force introduced by the bobweight, it would be possible for excessive overshoots of normal acceleration to occur in abrupt maneuvers with reasonable assumed control movements. The addition of a transient stick force proportional to pitching acceleration (which leads the normal acceleration) to prevent this occurring would not be practical due to the introduction of an oscillatory mode to the stick-position response. A device to introduce a viscous damping force would Improve the stick-force characteristics so that normal acceleration overshoots would not be likely, and the variation of the maximum stick force in rapid pulse-type maneuvers with duration of the maneuver then would have a favorable trend.
This report is part of the following collections of related materials.
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Collection
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) was a U.S. federal agency founded on March 3, 1915 to undertake, promote, and institutionalize aeronautical research. On October 1, 1958 the agency was dissolved, and its assets and personnel transferred to the newly created National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
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Abramovitz, Marvin; Schmidt, Stanley F. & Belsley, Steven E.Theoretical Investigation of the Effects of the Artificial-Feel System on the Maneuvering Characteristics of the F-89 Airplane,
December 31, 1952;
accessed October 9, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.