Isis; tragedie mise en musique


Isis, which premiered January 5, 1677, at St. Germain-en-Laye, was the fifth of Jean-Baptiste Lully's tragédies lyriques written with librettist Philippe Quinault. The plot is loosely adapted from one of the episodes in Ovid's Metamorphoses. In many of its essentials, the plot of Isis resembles that of Lully's previous opera, Atys. In Isis, the nymph Io, daughter of the river Inachus, is promised in marriage to Hierax, just as the nymph Sangaride, daughter of the river Sangar, was promised to Celoenus. Like Sangaride, Io is pursued by another love and yields to this love in spite of her feelings of … continued below

Physical Description

score (6,185[i.e. 289] p.)

Creation Information

Lully, Jean Baptiste, 1632-1687 & Quinault, Philippe, 1635-1688 1719.


This score is part of the collection entitled: Jean-Baptiste Lully Collection and was provided by the UNT Music Library to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 1127 times. More information about this score can be viewed below.


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  • Main Title: Isis; tragedie mise en musique
  • Uniform Title: Isis
  • Added Title: Metamorphoses


Isis, which premiered January 5, 1677, at St. Germain-en-Laye, was the fifth of Jean-Baptiste Lully's tragédies lyriques written with librettist Philippe Quinault. The plot is loosely adapted from one of the episodes in Ovid's Metamorphoses. In many of its essentials, the plot of Isis resembles that of Lully's previous opera, Atys. In Isis, the nymph Io, daughter of the river Inachus, is promised in marriage to Hierax, just as the nymph Sangaride, daughter of the river Sangar, was promised to Celoenus. Like Sangaride, Io is pursued by another love and yields to this love in spite of her feelings of guilt. Like Sangaride, Io has a goddess as a rival and is vulnerable to her jealousy. Lully's contemporaries interpreted this story as representing the volatile situation between two of the King's mistresses. The subsequent scandale of the premiere ended the collaboration between Lully and Quinault for a time, and led to the dismissal of a number of members of Lully's artistic circle.

Physical Description

score (6,185[i.e. 289] p.)


Library of Congress Subject Headings




Unique identifying numbers for this score in the Digital Library or other systems.

  • UNT Catalog No.: b2137871 | View in Discover
  • OCLC: 21846682
  • RISM No.: RISM A/I, L 2989
  • Other: LWV 54
  • Call Number: M1500.L95 I7 1719
  • Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metadc59


This score is part of the following collections of related materials.

Jean-Baptiste Lully Collection

The Jean-Baptiste Lully Collection includes almost 30 rare 17th and 18th-century scores of operas and ballets by the 17th-century French composer Jean-Baptiste Lully and his sons.

Virtual Music Rare Book Room

The Virtual Music Rare Book Room is composed primarily of digitized materials held in the UNT Music Library's Edna Mae Sandborn Music Rare Book Room. The collection is particularly strong in eighteenth-century French opera, due in large part to the influence of musicologist Lloyd Hibberd on the development of the collection.

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Creation Date

  • 1719

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • Oct. 17, 2005, 5:30 p.m.

Description Last Updated

  • June 17, 2016, 10:28 a.m.

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Past 30 days: 1
Total Uses: 1,127

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Lully, Jean Baptiste, 1632-1687 & Quinault, Philippe, 1635-1688. Isis; tragedie mise en musique, score, 1719; Paris. ( accessed February 14, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Music Library.

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