General Index to Experiment Station Record Volumes 13-25, 1901-1911
A topical, alphabetically arranged index to volumes 13-25 including experiment station records, publications reviewed, and foreign publications. In has a 'Consolidated Table of Contents' which lists all editorial notes and publications of the experiment stations and Department of Agriculture from the referenced volumes
Physical Description
1159 p. ; 24 cm.
Creation Information
United States. Office of Experiment Stations. June 27, 1913.
This book is part of the collection entitled: United States Experiment Station Record and was provided by the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 1141 times. More information about this book can be viewed below.
People and organizations associated with either the creation of this book or its content.
- United States. Office of Experiment Stations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations; A. C. True, Director.
- Moore, M. D. "Prepared by M. D. Moore and William Henry"
- Henry, William "Prepared by M. D. Moore and William Henry"
- Allen, E. W. E. W. Allen, Ph.D., Assistant Director of the Office of Experiment Stations.
- Knight, Howard Lawton H. L. Knight, Assistant Editor
- Fetzer, L. W. L. W. Fetzer, Ph.D., M. D.
- Beal, W. H.
- Tillman, B. W.
- Evans, Walter H. W. H. Evans, Ph.D.
- Boyd, W. E.
- Schulte, J. I.
- Rankin, J. O.
- Glasson, E. J.
- Langworthy, C. F. C. F. Langworthy, Ph.D., D. Sc.
- Morse, E. W.
- Hooker, W. A.
- Trullinger, R.
- Hare, B. B.
- Crosby, D. J.
- Lane, C. H.
United States. Government Printing Office.
Place of Publication: Washington D.C.
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UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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Descriptive information to help identify this book. Follow the links below to find similar items on the Digital Library.
- Main Title: General Index to Experiment Station Record Volumes 13-25, 1901-1911
- Serial Title: Experiment Station Record
A topical, alphabetically arranged index to volumes 13-25 including experiment station records, publications reviewed, and foreign publications. In has a 'Consolidated Table of Contents' which lists all editorial notes and publications of the experiment stations and Department of Agriculture from the referenced volumes
Physical Description
1159 p. ; 24 cm.
"Vols. XIII-XXV"
- England
- Germany
- Great Britain
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Paris
- Porto Rico
- Rothamsted
- Wales
- animals
- botany
- chemistry
- crops
- dairying
- diseases
- engineering
- entomology
- entomology
- feeds
- fertilizers
- forestry
- horticulture
- meteorology
- nutrition
- plants
- seeds
- soils
- technology
- veterinary medicine
- water
- weeds
- zoology
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Item Type
Unique identifying numbers for this book in the Digital Library or other systems.
- OCLC: 8916588
- Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metadc5059
- Experiment Station Record Volume 13, ark:/67531/metadc5041
- Experiment Station Record Volume 14, ark:/67531/metadc5040
- Experiment Station Record Volume 15, ark:/67531/metadc5039
- Experiment Station Record Volume 16, ark:/67531/metadc5038
- Experiment Station Record Volume 17, ark:/67531/metadc5037
- Experiment Station Record Volume 18, ark:/67531/metadc5036
- Experiment Station Record Volume 19, ark:/67531/metadc5035
- Experiment Station Record Volume 20, ark:/67531/metadc5034
- Experiment Station Record Volume 21, ark:/67531/metadc5033
- Experiment Station Record Volume 22, ark:/67531/metadc5032
- Experiment Station Record Volume 23, ark:/67531/metadc5031
- Experiment Station Record Volume 24, ark:/67531/metadc5030
- Experiment Station Record Volume 25, ark:/67531/metadc5029
This book is part of the following collection of related materials.
United States Experiment Station Record
Published by the United States Department of Agriculture, the Experiment Station Record provides abstracts of agricultural experiments conducted during the year, along with statistics, convention reports, bulletins, and bibliographies. The collection contains volumes 1-95 covering 1889 to 1946. These materials were donated by Vanderbilt University and digitized by the UNT Libraries.
Related Items
Experiment Station Record, Volume 13, 1901-1902 (Book)
Volume provides abstracts of agricultural experiments conducted during the year. Also includes statistics, convention reports, bulletins, and bibliographies. Name and subject indexes start on page 1113.
Relationship to this item: (References)
Experiment Station Record Volume 13, ark:/67531/metadc5041
Experiment Station Record, Volume 14, 1902-1903 (Book)
Volume provides abstracts of agricultural experiments conducted during the year. Also includes statistics, convention reports, bulletins, and bibliographies. Name and subject indexes start on page 1141.
Relationship to this item: (References)
Experiment Station Record Volume 14, ark:/67531/metadc5040
Experiment Station Record, Volume 15, 1903-1904 (Book)
Volume provides abstracts of agricultural experiments conducted during the year. Also includes statistics, convention reports, bulletins, and bibliographies. Name and subject indexes start on page 1141.
Relationship to this item: (References)
Experiment Station Record Volume 15, ark:/67531/metadc5039
Experiment Station Record, Volume 16, 1904-1905 (Book)
Volume provides abstracts of agricultural experiments conducted during the year. Also includes statistics, convention reports, bulletins, and bibliographies. Name and subject indexes start on page 1145.
Relationship to this item: (References)
Experiment Station Record Volume 16, ark:/67531/metadc5038
Experiment Station Record, Volume 17, 1905-1906 (Book)
Volume provides abstracts of agricultural experiments conducted during the year. Also includes statistics, convention reports, bulletins, bibliographies, and listings for Spanish edition publications from the Porto Rico station. Name and subject indexes start on page 1207.
Relationship to this item: (References)
Experiment Station Record Volume 17, ark:/67531/metadc5037
Digital Files
Dates and time periods associated with this book.
Creation Date
- June 27, 1913
Start & End Dates
- 1889 - 1911
Added to The UNT Digital Library
- April 25, 2008, 1:09 a.m.
Description Last Updated
- July 16, 2015, 6:25 p.m.
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Publication Place
Washington D.C. (United States. Government Printing Office.)
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United States. Office of Experiment Stations. General Index to Experiment Station Record Volumes 13-25, 1901-1911, book, June 27, 1913; Washington D.C.. ( accessed February 17, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.