Presentation for the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative (CTLC) Scholarly Communications and Digital Curation (SCDC) Affinity Group 2013 Winter Meeting. This presentation discusses altmetrics at the University of Texas at Arlington College of Engineering.
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Presentation for the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative (CTLC) Scholarly Communications and Digital Curation (SCDC) Affinity Group 2013 Winter Meeting. This presentation discusses altmetrics at the University of Texas at Arlington College of Engineering.
Cross Timbers Library Collaborative (CTLC) Scholarly Communications and Digital Curation (SCDC) Affinity Group Winter Meeting, 2013, Arlington, Texas, United States
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Cross Timbers Library Collaborative
This collection contains presentations given at the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative's affinity group meetings and annual conferences. The presentations cover a variety of topics of interest to library practitioners and scholars.