Men working : together!


A helmeted soldier, a factory worker, and a sailor stand proudly together. Black & white photograph on light orange background.

Physical Description

1 print (poster) : col. ; 77 x 101 cm.

Creation Information

United States. Office for Emergency Management. Division of Information. 1942.


This poster is part of the collection entitled: World War Poster Collection and was provided by the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 645 times, with 5 in the last month. More information about this poster can be viewed below.


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We've identified this poster as a primary source within our collections. Researchers, educators, and students may find this poster useful in their work.

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UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Serving as both a federal and a state depository library, the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department maintains millions of items in a variety of formats. The department is a member of the FDLP Content Partnerships Program and an Affiliated Archive of the National Archives.

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Descriptive information to help identify this poster. Follow the links below to find similar items on the Digital Library.


  • Main Title: Men working : together!
  • Alternate Title: Men working together!


A helmeted soldier, a factory worker, and a sailor stand proudly together. Black & white photograph on light orange background.

Physical Description

1 print (poster) : col. ; 77 x 101 cm.


"Division of Information, Office for Emergency Management, Washington, D.C."--at lower right corner with U.S. seal.

"U.S. Government Printing Office: 1942--O-444380."

Previously classed: 940.54 no.22 (DB #198).

Known to have been issued in at least 2 sizes. 1942 version not in Monthly Catalog or Checklist '76. 1941 version (UNT database no. 197) is listed in 1942 Monthly catalog, p. 431.


Item Type


Unique identifying numbers for this poster in the Digital Library or other systems.

  • Accession or Local Control No: Database no. 198
  • Call Number: Posters WW2 OEM 3
  • OCLC: 12543858
  • UNT Catalog No.: b2845511 | View in Discover
  • Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metadc478


This poster is part of the following collections of related materials.

World War Poster Collection

From World War I French victory figures to grim views of the Nazi regime, these posters demonstrate the power of words and images.

World War Two Collection

These materials focus on World War II and the immediate postwar period of the late 1940s. In addition to materials created during the time period, materials may include modern studies and commemorative works about the era.

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Dates and time periods associated with this poster.

Creation Date

  • 1942

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • June 12, 2006, 11:16 p.m.

Description Last Updated

  • Dec. 18, 2009, 2:09 p.m.

Usage Statistics

When was this poster last used?

Yesterday: 1
Past 30 days: 5
Total Uses: 645

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United States. Office for Emergency Management. Division of Information. Men working : together!, poster, 1942; Washington, D.C.. ( accessed February 16, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.

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