The Issues of Compliance and Interoperability in Integrating Heterogeneous Digital Resources: Lessons from the Texas History Portal

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Paper for the 2005 IS&T Archiving Conference. This article discusses the issues of compliance and interoperability in integrating heterogeneous digital resources and lessons from the Texas History Portal.

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5 p.

Creation Information

Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw; Hartman, Cathy Nelson & Phillips, Mark Edward April 2005.


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Paper for the 2005 IS&T Archiving Conference. This article discusses the issues of compliance and interoperability in integrating heterogeneous digital resources and lessons from the Texas History Portal.

Physical Description

5 p.


Abstract: The University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries received a grant from the Texas Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board to create the technical structure for a Web Portal to Texas History. In collaboration with many stakeholders (Texas libraries, museums, teachers, historians, etc.), the portal to Texas history at UNT provides access to a diverse collection of published and unpublished resources (manuscripts, letters, maps, oral histories, photographs, etc.) to researchers, teachers, and young scholars at school, home, office, or anyplace with a computer and Internet connection. Implementing a state-wide system required the creation of a robust application framework for integrating heterogeneous digital information resources from institutions across the state. This paper discusses issues related to portal building and explores compliance and interoperability issues. Based on the UNT Libraries' Portal to Texas History project experiences, it will attempt to assess the current status and the emerging trends in innovative uses of portal technologies and provide an overall scenario. In context of aggregating a variety of formats, bundling preservation metadata to facilitate long-term access, setting project standards and best practices guidelines, and coordinating a variety of collaborative efforts for participating institutions.

This is the author manuscript version of the paper published by the Society for Imaging Science and Technology.


  • Proceedings of the Archiving Conference, 2005, Washington, D.C., United States


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Publication Information

  • Publication Title: Archiving 2005 Final Program and Proceedings
  • Volume: 2
  • Page Start: 149
  • Page End: 152
  • Peer Reviewed: Yes


  • The Issues of Compliance and Interoperability in Integrating Heterogeneous Digital Information Resources: Lessons from Texas History Portal [Poster], ark:/67531/metadc29285


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UNT Scholarly Works

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The Issues of Compliance and Interoperability in Integrating Heterogeneous Digital Information Resources: Lessons from Texas History Portal [Poster] (Poster)

The Issues of Compliance and Interoperability in Integrating Heterogeneous Digital Information Resources: Lessons from Texas History Portal [Poster]

Poster presented at the 2005 IS&T Archiving Conference. This poster describes issues related to portal building and explores compliance and interoperability issues. It also assesses the current status and the emerging trends in innovative uses of portal technologies and provides an overall scenario.

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The Issues of Compliance and Interoperability in Integrating Heterogeneous Digital Information Resources: Lessons from Texas History Portal [Poster], ark:/67531/metadc29285

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  • April 2005

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  • Oct. 28, 2014, 8:32 a.m.

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  • Nov. 3, 2014, 11:30 a.m.

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Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw; Hartman, Cathy Nelson & Phillips, Mark Edward. The Issues of Compliance and Interoperability in Integrating Heterogeneous Digital Resources: Lessons from the Texas History Portal, paper, April 2005; [Springfield, Virginia]. ( accessed February 15, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; .

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