Lesson plan containing a collection of activities and resources regarding cultural and social systems that meet state education standards and national sustainability standards for the 4th grade level.
The mission of UNT Sustainability is to collaborate with the UNT family and its partners to generate cohesion, provide information and support, and encourage behavior change to address environmental, economic, and social challenges. UNT Sustainability contributes lesson plans for students in grades K through 8th.
Lesson plan containing a collection of activities and resources regarding cultural and social systems that meet state education standards and national sustainability standards for the 4th grade level.
This text is part of the following collection of related materials.
Excellence in Curricula and Experiential Learning Program
Produced for the Excellence in Curricula and Experiential Learning Program (EXCEL), these lesson plans meet both state education and national sustainability standards. EXCEL, the educational initiative of Sustainable Communities Initiative, takes a holistic approach to growing today’s youth. EXCEL is a PK-12 college and career program that features academic pathways in engineering, business, health science, and education in STEM.