Novel Metal Hydroxide Derivatives Containing Chemically Bound Organophosphorus or Polyphosphate Species as Flame Retardants

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Patent relating to novel metal hydroxide derivatives containing chemically bound organophosphorus or polyphosphate species as flame retardants.

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22 p. : ill.

Creation Information

Braterman, Paul S.; D'Souza, Nandika & Dharia, Amit October 19, 2006.


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Patent relating to novel metal hydroxide derivatives containing chemically bound organophosphorus or polyphosphate species as flame retardants.

Physical Description

22 p. : ill.


International Application Number: PCT/US2006/011601

Abstract: Novel metal hydroxide derivatives which chemically combine positively charged metal hydroxide layers with negatively charged phosphorus-containing species, which can be either anionic organophosphorus-containing polymeric anions, are described. The metal hydroxide derivatives are useful flame retardants through their ability to be completely dispersed and their formation of a crust or char to prevent flame propagation.


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UNT Scholarly Works

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Submitted Date

  • March 29, 2006

Accepted Date

  • October 19, 2006

Creation Date

  • October 19, 2006

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • Sept. 12, 2014, 9:22 a.m.

Description Last Updated

  • Dec. 12, 2017, 8:21 p.m.

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Braterman, Paul S.; D'Souza, Nandika & Dharia, Amit. Novel Metal Hydroxide Derivatives Containing Chemically Bound Organophosphorus or Polyphosphate Species as Flame Retardants, patent, October 19, 2006; [Washington, D.C.]. ( accessed February 19, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT College of Arts and Sciences.

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