This paper presents the results of a survey of quality assurance (QA) practices within the field of web archiving. To understand current QA practices, the authors surveyed 54 institutions engaged in web archiving, which included national libraries, colleges and universities, and museums and art libraries.
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This paper presents the results of a survey of quality assurance (QA) practices within the field of web archiving. To understand current QA practices, the authors surveyed 54 institutions engaged in web archiving, which included national libraries, colleges and universities, and museums and art libraries.
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UNT Scholarly Works
Materials from the UNT community's research, creative, and scholarly activities and UNT's Open Access Repository. Access to some items in this collection may be restricted.
Presentation for the 2014 International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) General Assembly. This presentation discusses current quality assurance practices in web archiving.
Relationship to this item: (Is Version Of)
Current Quality Assurance Practices in Web Archiving [Presentation], ark:/67531/metadc287034
This dataset contains the results of a survey of quality assurance practices within the field of web archiving and its practitioners. To understand current QA practices, the authors surveyed institutions engaged in web archiving, which included national libraries, colleges and universities, and museums and art libraries. The survey was administered online. It includes the completed responses of 54 participants. The data has been anonymized for privacy reasons. This dataset was used in the "Current Quality Assurance Practices in Web Archiving" paper, available from the UNT Digital Library.