Storia Della Musica: Volume 1


Copy of the first of three volumes of "Storia della musica" (Music History) containing eleven chapters and three dissertations. The text describes various topics related to music history including music classification, early music in biblical descriptions, music theories, singing and harmonies, church music, and musical notations.

Physical Description

vii, 507 p. : ill. ; 43 cm.

Creation Information

Martini, Giovanni Battista, 1706-1784 1757.


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  • Lelio dalla Volpe
    Publisher Info: In Bologna MDCCLVII. Per Lelio dalla Volpe, Impressore dell' Instituto delle Scienze, con Licenza de' Superiori.
    Place of Publication: Bologna, Italy


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  • Main Title: Storia Della Musica: Volume 1
  • Parallel Title: Music History: Volume 1


Copy of the first of three volumes of "Storia della musica" (Music History) containing eleven chapters and three dissertations. The text describes various topics related to music history including music classification, early music in biblical descriptions, music theories, singing and harmonies, church music, and musical notations.

Physical Description

vii, 507 p. : ill. ; 43 cm.


Full title as appears in the t.p. of vol.1: "Storia della musica, tomo primo. Alla sacra Reale Cattolica Maestà Maria Barbara, Infanta di Portogallo, Regina delle Spagne, ec. ec. ec."

This is a copy of the first of three volumes of "Storia della musica" (Music History) by Giovanni Batista Martini. Each volume bears a different dedicatee: v.1: alla Sacra reale cattolica Maestà Maria Barbara; v.2: All'Altezza serenissima elettorale di Carlo Teodoro; v.3: a sua Altezza reale Don Ferdinando di Borbone.

The t.p. of this volume is printed in red and black ink and decorated with a border that depicts various musical instruments and includes a pastoral scene depicting Euterpe, the muse of music, holding a lyre and a horn as allegory of a scepter, and accompanied by various putti singing or playing musical instruments. Each page of the book is decorated with an ornamented border. The volume is divided in eleven chapters and three dissertations. The start of each chapter and each dissertation features, within an ornamented oval-shaped frame, the notated music of a canon in a five-line staff with underlaid text taken from passages in the book of Psalms and other books of the Old Testament.

This volume includes an engraved portrait of Martini by an unknown engraver and one illustration by Nicolaus Valleta depicting Queen Maria Barbara of Portugal in the company of several mythology figures, such as Apollo and Minerva, among others. At the center top appears a crown and a banner with the Latin inscription, "Hoc offer Regina, Tibi Lectum undique manus. Et vult esse tuum Musica quid quid Habet." At the bottom appears the coat of arms of the Spanish crown.

The first chapter explains the purpose of the volume and defines three classifications of music as defined by Boethius in the medieval ages: mundana (produced by the motion of planets and celestial bodies), humana (loosely translated as music of the body and soul), and instrumentalis (this kind produced by the human voice and musical instruments). Chapters 2-11 are devoted to some aspect of music covering various biblical ages starting with the story of the creation, as told in the Book of Genesis, throughout the lives of the Jewish patriarchs (Moses, David, and Solomon), and the encounter of the Hebrews with other eastern peoples.

The first dissertations argues about human natural singing and discusses theoretical concepts such as Greek music theory, scales and division of tetrachords. The second dissertation argues about the ancient manner of singing in harmony as taught by Zarlino and other music theoreticians. This part discussed the evolution of music notation from heightened neumes to the invention of four-line staff and square notation, to the five-line staff and Renaissance music notation. The third dissertation discusses the influence of Hebrew vocal and instrumental church music.


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This book is part of the following collection of related materials.

Virtual Music Rare Book Room

The Virtual Music Rare Book Room is composed primarily of digitized materials held in the UNT Music Library's Edna Mae Sandborn Music Rare Book Room. The collection is particularly strong in eighteenth-century French opera, due in large part to the influence of musicologist Lloyd Hibberd on the development of the collection.

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Storia Della Musica: Volume 3 (Book)

Storia Della Musica: Volume 3

This is a copy of the third of three volumes of "Storia della musica" (Music History), including numerous figures, musical examples demonstrating theoretical concepts of Greek music, and footnotes. It divided as follows: ch.1 - Greek music (pp. 1-24); ch.2 - Poetics, music and drama (pp. 25-90); ch.3 Dramatic poetry (pp. 91-148); ch.4 - Medieval and new dramatic poetry (pp.149-169); ch.5 - Music in Greek tragedy and drama (pp. 170-197); ch. 6 - Illustrious Greek music teachers (pp.198-268); ch.7 Greek philosophers on music (pp.269-369); ch.8 - Greek music theory practice (pp.370-440); Dissertation on the prodigious effect produced by antique Greek music (pp.[419]-440); Index of people mentioned in the volume (pp.441-445); Index of authors with short biography, in alphabetical order (pp445-458); Errata (p. 459).

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  • 1757

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  • March 20, 2011, 12:35 p.m.

Description Last Updated

  • June 5, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

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Martini, Giovanni Battista, 1706-1784. Storia Della Musica: Volume 1, book, 1757; Bologna, Italy. ( accessed January 13, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Music Library.

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