Mobility-Based CAC Algorithm for Arbitrary Call-Arrival Rates in CDMA Cellular Systems

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Article on a mobility-based CAC algorithm for arbitrary call-arrival rates in CDMA cellular systems.

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13 p.

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Akl, Robert G.; Hegde, Manju V. & Naraghi-Pour, Mort March 2005.


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Article on a mobility-based CAC algorithm for arbitrary call-arrival rates in CDMA cellular systems.

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13 p.


Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach for designing a call-admission control (CAC) algorithm for code-division multiple-access (CDMA) networks with arbitrary call-arrival rates. The design of the CAC algorithm uses global information; it incorporates the call-arrival rates and the user mobilities across the network and guarantees the users' quality of service (QoS) as well as prescribed blocking probabilities. On the other hand, its implementation in each cell uses local information; it only requires the number of calls currently active in that cell. We present several cases for a nontrivial network topology where their CAC algorithm guarantees QoS and blocking probabilities while achieving significantly higher throughput than that achieved by traditional techniques. We also calculate the network capacity, i.e., the maximum throughput for the entire network, for prespecified blocking probabilities and QoS requirements.


  • IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 54(2), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, March 2005, pp. 1-13


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  • Publication Title: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Vehicular Technology
  • Volume: 54
  • Issue: 2
  • Page Start: 639
  • Page End: 651
  • Peer Reviewed: Yes


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  • March 2005

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  • Dec. 4, 2023, 11:41 a.m.

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Akl, Robert G.; Hegde, Manju V. & Naraghi-Pour, Mort. Mobility-Based CAC Algorithm for Arbitrary Call-Arrival Rates in CDMA Cellular Systems, article, March 2005; [New York, New York]. ( accessed December 13, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT College of Engineering.

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