This volume presents findings from an excavation at the Quince Site of McGee Creek Reservoir project area. Excavations at the Quince Site disclosed deep alluvial deposits with several occupations throughout the Holocene Period. The site contains a well-preserved culturally stratified deposit dating from Paleoindian to Woodland Indian periods.
The mission of the Institute of Applied Science (IAS) is to foster, facilitate and conduct science-based interdisciplinary environmental research that seeks to understand how human actions impact the environment, and to use that knowledge to suggest scientific, engineering, policy and/or educational solutions to environmental problems.
This volume presents findings from an excavation at the Quince Site of McGee Creek Reservoir project area. Excavations at the Quince Site disclosed deep alluvial deposits with several occupations throughout the Holocene Period. The site contains a well-preserved culturally stratified deposit dating from Paleoindian to Woodland Indian periods.
Physical Description
ix, 191 p. : maps, ill.
"Submitted in partial fulfillment of contract number 1-07-5C-V0181 Bureau of Reclamation, Amarillo, TX
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