The Africa Adaptation Programme (AAP) has been designed to support the long-term efforts of targeted countries to further develop their capability to successfully identify, design and implement holistic adaptation and disaster risk reduction programmes that are aligned with national development priorities. This report provides insight into the Africa Adaptation Programme (AAP) and its related country project profiles. The AAP has shifted into implementation, with Namibia and Tunisia as the first countries to complete national inception workshops. Eighteen out of the total twenty programme countries will complete national inception processes and start full-fledged implementation in the coming months.
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Africa Adaptation Programme: An insight into AAP and Country project Profiles
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Africa Adaptation Programme Update
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Supporting Integrated and Comprehensive Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation in Africa
The Africa Adaptation Programme (AAP) has been designed to support the long-term efforts of targeted countries to further develop their capability to successfully identify, design and implement holistic adaptation and disaster risk reduction programmes that are aligned with national development priorities. This report provides insight into the Africa Adaptation Programme (AAP) and its related country project profiles. The AAP has shifted into implementation, with Namibia and Tunisia as the first countries to complete national inception workshops. Eighteen out of the total twenty programme countries will complete national inception processes and start full-fledged implementation in the coming months.
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Environmental Policy Collection
The Environmental Policy Collection contains reports, policy documents, and media selected from local, statewide, national, and international organizations; government and private agencies; and scientific and research institutions. The collection also contains theses and dissertations relevant to environmental policy.