A Comparison of At-Risk Students Receiving an Academic Support Program with At-Risk Students Receiving no Academic Support Program

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The problem of this study was to determine if at-risk students who were enrolled in an educational support class for one hour a day would have an improvement on the four at-risk indicators being measured over students not enrolled in the academic support program. The four at-risk indicators are grade point average, self-concept, days absent from school, and discipline referrals. The hypothesis formulated for this study predicted no significant difference in mean scores of the four measured indicators between groups. These indicators were measured by the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale, official school attendance records, official school transcripts, and the school's … continued below

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vii, 129 leaves

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Williams, Glenda Guenther August 1995.


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  • Williams, Glenda Guenther

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The problem of this study was to determine if at-risk students who were enrolled in an educational support class for one hour a day would have an improvement on the four at-risk indicators being measured over students not enrolled in the academic support program. The four at-risk indicators are grade point average, self-concept, days absent from school, and discipline referrals. The hypothesis formulated for this study predicted no significant difference in mean scores of the four measured indicators between groups. These indicators were measured by the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale, official school attendance records, official school transcripts, and the school's discipline records book. The at-risk population was identified from the use of an at-risk indicator scale. After random placement into either the control or experimental groups the samples were divided and analyzed according to grade and gender. The study was conducted over a 12 week period and included students from the Memphis, Michigan School District in grades six through nine. Data were analyzed by the independent means t test at the .05 level. The experimental group means were further analyzed for practical significance and for directional improvement. A series of tables provides a comparison of scores for all students participating in the study. For students participating in the experimental group three of the four indicators, self-esteem, days absent from school, and grade point average had a statistically significant difference in mean scores. The majority of mean scores moved in a direction of improvement indicating enrollment in the treatment had a positive influence on the at-risk indicators. Most scores that did not show a statistically significant difference in means did report a high level of practical significance that was a result of being enrolled in the academic support program.

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vii, 129 leaves



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  • August 1995

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  • March 24, 2014, 8:07 p.m.

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  • April 28, 2020, 11:53 a.m.

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Williams, Glenda Guenther. A Comparison of At-Risk Students Receiving an Academic Support Program with At-Risk Students Receiving no Academic Support Program, dissertation, August 1995; Denton, Texas. (https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc278636/: accessed February 12, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu; .

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