Second volume of the results of a survey undertaken by the U.S. Office of Education to determine their achievements, objectives, and functions. This bulletin provides the data and information collected by the Office during the survey and suggestions about possible improvements or changes. This volume is divided into ten parts: Part I. Arts and sciences; Part II. Commerce and business; Part III. Teacher training; Part IV. Military education; Part V. Professional veterinary medicine; Part VI. Summer session; Part VII. Extension services; Part VIII. Research; Part IX. Graduate work; Part X. Negro land-grant colleges. Index starts on page 915.
Publisher Info:
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C.
Place of Publication:
Washington D.C.
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Added Title:
United States Office of Education Bulletin 1930, Number 9
Second volume of the results of a survey undertaken by the U.S. Office of Education to determine their achievements, objectives, and functions. This bulletin provides the data and information collected by the Office during the survey and suggestions about possible improvements or changes. This volume is divided into ten parts: Part I. Arts and sciences; Part II. Commerce and business; Part III. Teacher training; Part IV. Military education; Part V. Professional veterinary medicine; Part VI. Summer session; Part VII. Extension services; Part VIII. Research; Part IX. Graduate work; Part X. Negro land-grant colleges. Index starts on page 915.
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United States. Office of Education.Survey of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, Volume 2,
Washington D.C..
accessed January 20, 2025),
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crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.