Disregard restriction header and footer - BRAC 2005 GUIDANCE FOR THE HEADQUARTERS AND SUPPORT ACTIVITIES (HSA) JOINT CROSS-SERVICE GROUP(JCSG)Attachments (1) and (2) are USD (AT&L) responses to DON and USAF letters concerning recommendations on limiting the scope of the HAS JCSG review. USD (AT&L) directs in Attachment (3) "...please revise your report to focus your group's analysis on those functions with the greatest potential to result in decisions that will significantly affect the footprint and the throughput of the functions within your area of responsibility.
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Disregard restriction header and footer - BRAC 2005 GUIDANCE FOR THE HEADQUARTERS AND SUPPORT ACTIVITIES (HSA) JOINT CROSS-SERVICE GROUP(JCSG)Attachments (1) and (2) are USD (AT&L) responses to DON and USAF letters concerning recommendations on limiting the scope of the HAS JCSG review. USD (AT&L) directs in Attachment (3) "...please revise your report to focus your group's analysis on those functions with the greatest potential to result in decisions that will significantly affect the footprint and the throughput of the functions within your area of responsibility.
This text is part of the following collection of related materials.
Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission
The Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commissions (also known as the BRAC Commissions) were established by Congress to review and analyze Department of Defense recommendations for reorganizing U.S. military base structure "to more efficiently and effectively support our forces, increase operational readiness and facilitate new ways of doing business." This collection includes reports, documents, data, correspondence, and public comments from both the 1995 and 2005 Commissions.
Department of the Navy Memo dated 17 Oct 2003 BRAC 2005 Guidance for the Headquarters and Support Activities JCSG,
September 1, 2005;
accessed February 14, 2025),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.