Historical Asset Survey for Collin County Texas

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Presentation for the 2013 Digital Frontiers Annual Conference. In this presentation, the authors discuss a historical asset survey for Collin County, Texas.

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2 p.: ill.

Creation Information

Seward, Loydell & Quick, Janice September 19, 2013.


This presentation is part of the collection entitled: Digital Frontiers and was provided by the UNT Digital Scholarship Cooperative (DiSCo) to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 261 times. More information about this presentation can be viewed below.


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Presentation for the 2013 Digital Frontiers Annual Conference. In this presentation, the authors discuss a historical asset survey for Collin County, Texas.

Physical Description

2 p.: ill.


Abstract: For the first time in Texas, a county-wide survey of historic sites - including buildings, homes, churches, schools, communities, and events - is available to the public through an interactive map hosted on Collin County's government web site. Visitors can locate these sites and explore related pictures, stories, and descriptions created through a county-wide volunteer effort. This project, a joint effort of the Collin County Historical Commission (CCHC), Collin County GIS and IT departments, and a large group of volunteers around the county, provides an innovative tool for historical preservation, research, and education. Preserving the county’s history and offering it as a legacy for future generations has become a critical priority as the county is increasingly transformed through rapid population growth. Years of work have gone into the research, data input, mapping and program design. The CCHC is an un-paid board appointed by the Collin County Commissioners Court. The programming is done by the GIS and IT departments of Collin County. Notably, CCHC coordinates the volunteers who do all the research and writing. A brief description of the project, as well as a demonstration of the interactive map will be given. Particular attention will be paid to: (a) the management and processes involved in a county-wide volunteer project, and (b) the issues involved in the collaborative partnership.


  • Second Annual Digital Frontiers Conference, 2013, Denton, Texas, United States


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Digital Frontiers

Serving as virtual proceedings for the Digital Frontiers Conference, this collection contains abstracts, presentations, video, workshops, student responses, supporting materials, flyers, and other items from the conference and related activities.

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Creation Date

  • September 19, 2013

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • Nov. 8, 2013, 8:29 a.m.

Description Last Updated

  • Nov. 27, 2017, 7 p.m.

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Seward, Loydell & Quick, Janice. Historical Asset Survey for Collin County Texas, presentation, September 19, 2013; (https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc228275/: accessed February 13, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu; crediting UNT Digital Scholarship Cooperative (DiSCo).

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