Description of harvesting fern trees, part 8

One of 228 items in the series: Centre for Cultural-Linguistic Diversity (Eastern Himalaya) Collection available on this site.
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Abraham, Longdi, and Rilung Modi discuss the fern tree (Tatchi) harvest near Peki Modi village in Upper Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. While Longdi Modi thwacks the fern tree into very small pieces, they describe the area where they found this fern tree, and how to determine suitable topography for growing and harvesting them. They mention the quality of fern trees, comparing a lower quality where the delicate part is harder (chisap) and a higher quality where the delicate part of fern tree is softer (chiingin).

Physical Description

1 sound recording (11 min., 14 sec.)

Creation Information

Modi, Abraham 2022.


This audio recording is part of the collection entitled: Milang Language Resource and was provided by the UNT College of Information to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. More information about this recording can be viewed below.


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Abraham, Longdi, and Rilung Modi discuss the fern tree (Tatchi) harvest near Peki Modi village in Upper Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. While Longdi Modi thwacks the fern tree into very small pieces, they describe the area where they found this fern tree, and how to determine suitable topography for growing and harvesting them. They mention the quality of fern trees, comparing a lower quality where the delicate part is harder (chisap) and a higher quality where the delicate part of fern tree is softer (chiingin).

Physical Description

1 sound recording (11 min., 14 sec.)



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This recording is part of the following collections of related materials.

Milang Language Resource

This collection includes audio-video documentation on three aspects of Milang: 1. Tree fern food processing, 2. Sago processing, and 3. Traditional yeast making.

Computational Resource on South Asian Languages

The Computational Resource for South Asian Languages (CoRSAL) is a digital archive for source audio, video, and text on the minority languages of South Asia.

Related Items

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 8 (Video)

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 8

Abraham, Longdi, and Rilung Modi discuss the fern tree (Tatchi) harvest near Peki Modi village in Upper Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. While Longdi Modi thwacks the fern tree into very small pieces, they describe the area where they found this fern tree, and how to determine suitable topography for growing and harvesting them. They mention the quality of fern trees, comparing a lower quality where the delicate part is harder (chisap) and a higher quality where the delicate part of fern tree is softer (chiingin).

Relationship to this item: (Has Format)

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 8; ark:/67531/metadc2243502/

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 8 (Dataset)

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 8

Abraham, Longdi, and Rilung Modi discuss the fern tree (Tatchi) harvest near Peki Modi village in Upper Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. While Longdi Modi thwacks the fern tree into very small pieces, they describe the area where they found this fern tree, and how to determine suitable topography for growing and harvesting them. They mention the quality of fern trees, comparing a lower quality where the delicate part is harder (chisap) and a higher quality where the delicate part of fern tree is softer (chiingin). Time-aligned transcription and translation into English.

Relationship to this item: (Has Translation)

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 8; ark:/67531/metadc2243499/

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 9 (Sound)

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 9

Abraham, Longdi, and Rilung Modi discuss the fern tree (Tatchi) harvest near Peki Modi village in Upper Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. They complete the process of thwacking and begin mixing the thwacked fern tree, making holes in the base so that the water will not stagnate. After that, the mixture is covered by the leaf of Sago tree to keep it clean and to protect from decay or damage. Longdi Modi, an expert in harvesting fern trees, explains that it takes a week until the mixture is fully ready for human consumption.

Relationship to this item: (Has Part)

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 9; ark:/67531/metadc2243504/

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 7 (Sound)

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 7

Abraham, Longdi, and Rilung Modi discuss the fern tree (Tatchi) harvest near Peki Modi village in Upper Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. Longdi Modi and Abraham Modi complete the process of removing the bark and outer cover of the fern tree. Longdi Modi lays out the wild banana leaves which Abraham Modi cut earlier. They cut the fern tree into smaller pieces in preparation for the next step.

Description of harvesting fern trees, part 7 - ark:/67531/metadc2243497

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  • 2022

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • Jan. 22, 2024, 1:36 p.m.

Description Last Updated

  • May 20, 2024, 3:50 p.m.

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Modi, Abraham. Description of harvesting fern trees, part 8, audio recording, 2022; ( accessed February 7, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT College of Information.

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