Access to Geographical Information in Library Catalogs: a Case Study

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Conference paper exploring three case studies on how methods of retrieval of geographic data offered by libraries. The online catalog (Case no. 1) includes various materials available to users. Case no. 2 is Special Collections in general, including the Portal to Texas History. Case no. 3 is a particular collection digitized by UNT: The map collection of the University of Texas at Arlington.

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10 p.

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Hartsock, Ralph & Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw 2015.


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Conference paper exploring three case studies on how methods of retrieval of geographic data offered by libraries. The online catalog (Case no. 1) includes various materials available to users. Case no. 2 is Special Collections in general, including the Portal to Texas History. Case no. 3 is a particular collection digitized by UNT: The map collection of the University of Texas at Arlington.

Physical Description

10 p.


Abstract: Libraries offer a variety of methods to retrieve geographic data. This paper explores three case studies. The original paper, presented during the Pioneer America Society Conference on October 10, 2014, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, explored the first three cases. That PowerPoint is available at the the University of North Texas Libraries (UNT) Scholarly repository. The online catalog (Case no. 1) includes various materials available to users. These include maps, audio or video recordings, and music. Many of these have place of capture or recording that is important in the understanding of the manifestation. Case no. 2 is Special Collections in general, including the Portal to Texas History. Several unique digital collections provide details such as aerial maps, or books and music produced during monumental events (Civil War). Case no. 3 is a particular collection digitized by UNT: The map collection of the University of Texas at Arlington. This expanded edition also considers events related to a specific place and time, such as recordings made in Oklahoma City, and how to retrieve these.


  • 46th International Society for Landscape, Place, & Material Culture Annual Meeting, October 9-11, 2014. Oklahoma City, OK, United States
  • Pioneer America Society Transactions, 38, International Society for Landscape, Place, & Material Culture, 2015, pp. 7


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  • Publication Title: Pioneer America Society Transactions
  • Volume: 38



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Access to Geographical Information in Library Catalogs: a Case Study (Presentation)

Access to Geographical Information in Library Catalogs: a Case Study

Presentation for the Pioneer America Society Annual Conference. This presentation discusses a case study on access to geographical information in library catalogs.

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Access to Geographical Information in Library Catalogs: a Case Study, ark:/67531/metadc501456

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Hartsock, Ralph & Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw. Access to Geographical Information in Library Catalogs: a Case Study, article, 2015; ( accessed February 12, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; .

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