[Etching of a man with coins]


Etching "Portrait of Man", designed Guercino Da Cento and printed by Austrian printmaker Adam Bartsch, in 1782. The print shows a man illustrated with loose and energetic lines standing and pointing at coins resting on a table.

Physical Description

1 art print : etching, b&w ; 27 x 22 cm., on mat 28 x 24 cm.

Creation Information

Da Cento, Guercino & Bartsch, Adam 1782.


This artwork is part of the collection entitled: Jeane Dixon and Emerich P. Korecz Collection and was provided by the UNT Libraries Special Collections to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 38 times. More information about this work can be viewed below.


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Etching "Portrait of Man", designed Guercino Da Cento and printed by Austrian printmaker Adam Bartsch, in 1782. The print shows a man illustrated with loose and energetic lines standing and pointing at coins resting on a table.

Physical Description

1 art print : etching, b&w ; 27 x 22 cm., on mat 28 x 24 cm.


Johann Adam Bernhard Ritter von Bartsch (1757 - 1821) was an Austrian scholar and printmaker who worked primarily in etching and engraving. Bartsch established what has become the definitive numbering system, bearing his name (e.g. "Bartsch 17" or "B17"), The numbers list the works by category, roughly following the contemporary hierarchy of genres, except that self-portraits come first, followed by biblical subjects, then subjects of saints, allegories, and so on. In his lifetime, Bartsch executed over 500 plates.

Between 1803 and his death in 1821 Bartsch published 21 volumes of the book "Le Peintre Graveur", a pioneering catalogue of old master prints by Dutch, Flemish, German, and Italian painter-engravers from the 15th to the 17th century. References to "Bartsch" normally mean this work. It has been reprinted five times, most recently in 1982.



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Publication Information

  • Preferred Citation: Jeane Dixon and Emerich P. Korecz Collection (AR0133), University of North Texas Special Collections


This work is part of the following collection of related materials.

Jeane Dixon and Emerich P. Korecz Collection

This collection contains digitized prints from rare and scholarly books owned by Jeanne Dixon, who acquired the collection from Emerich P. Korecz.

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Creation Date

  • 1782

Coverage Date

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • Nov. 1, 2022, 9:31 p.m.

Description Last Updated

  • Nov. 16, 2022, 6:47 p.m.

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Yesterday: 0
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Total Uses: 38


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  • Repositioning map may be required for optimal printing.

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Da Cento, Guercino & Bartsch, Adam. [Etching of a man with coins], artwork, 1782; (https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc2016480/: accessed January 23, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.

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