Let's Have Clean Water [Kit]

One of 6 items in the series: Let's Have Clean Water Kit available on this site.


Kit issued by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards containing materials regarding conversion to the metric system of measurement. The kit includes a letter of introduction; an order form; two plastic cards printed with rulers and conversion information; and four booklets that discuss how the metric system is different from the English system of measurement, why America should switch, and reference materials for converting.

Physical Description

5 pieces : ill. ; in portfolio

Creation Information

United States. Public Health Service. 1953~.


This collection is part of the collection entitled: Government Documents General Collection and was provided by the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 93 times. More information about this collection can be viewed below.


People and organizations associated with either the creation of this collection or its content.




We've identified this collection as a primary source within our collections. Researchers, educators, and students may find this collection useful in their work.

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UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Serving as both a federal and a state depository library, the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department maintains millions of items in a variety of formats. The department is a member of the FDLP Content Partnerships Program and an Affiliated Archive of the National Archives.

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Descriptive information to help identify this collection. Follow the links below to find similar items on the Digital Library.


  • Main Title: Let's Have Clean Water [Kit]
  • Series Title: Public Health Service Publications
  • Series Title: Let's Have Clean Water Kit
  • Added Title: Clean Water is Everybody's Business
  • Added Title: The Fight to Save America's Waters: A Mark Trail Adventure in Public Health and Conservation
  • Added Title: The Living Waters
  • Added Title: Water Pollution in the United States
  • Added Title: Let's Have Clean Water: Chairman's Guide


Kit issued by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards containing materials regarding conversion to the metric system of measurement. The kit includes a letter of introduction; an order form; two plastic cards printed with rulers and conversion information; and four booklets that discuss how the metric system is different from the English system of measurement, why America should switch, and reference materials for converting.

Physical Description

5 pieces : ill. ; in portfolio


"A kit of materials to aid community leaders in their efforts to solve local water pollution problems."



Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms

Library of Congress Subject Headings


Item Type


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This collection is part of the following collection of related materials.

Government Documents General Collection

Drawn from the prolific publishing programs of the federal and state governments, these documents may include reports, hearings, books, and pamphlets on historical and current topics.

Related Items

Clean Water is Everybody's Business (Pamphlet)

Clean Water is Everybody's Business


Relationship to this item: (Has Part)

Clean Water is Everybody's Business, ark:/67531/metadc2015963

The Fight to Save America's Waters: A Mark Trail Adventure in Public Health and Conservation (Pamphlet)

The Fight to Save America's Waters: A Mark Trail Adventure in Public Health and Conservation

"This story is about the danger that lurks in America's rivers, lakes, and streams...and what you can do to drive that danger away" (cover page).

Relationship to this item: (Has Part)

The Fight to Save America's Waters: A Mark Trail Adventure in Public Health and Conservation, ark:/67531/metadc2015964

The Living Waters (Pamphlet)

The Living Waters

Compilation of six pamphlets related to various aspects of water pollution.

Relationship to this item: (Has Part)

The Living Waters, ark:/67531/metadc2015965

Water Pollution in the United States (Pamphlet)

Water Pollution in the United States


Relationship to this item: (Has Part)

Water Pollution in the United States, ark:/67531/metadc2015966

Let's Have Clean Water: Chairman's Guide (Pamphlet)

Let's Have Clean Water: Chairman's Guide

Compilation of eight pamphlets that are components of a guide for people who want to initiate community conversations about water pollution.

Relationship to this item: (Has Part)

Let's Have Clean Water: Chairman's Guide, ark:/67531/metadc2015967

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Dates and time periods associated with this collection.

Creation Date

  • 1953~

Coverage Date

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • Oct. 31, 2022, 7:47 a.m.

Description Last Updated

  • Oct. 31, 2022, 11:44 p.m.

Usage Statistics

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Yesterday: 0
Past 30 days: 0
Total Uses: 93


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  • map marker Place Name coordinates. (May be approximate.)
  • Repositioning map may be required for optimal printing.

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United States. Public Health Service. Let's Have Clean Water [Kit], collection, 1953~; Washington D.C.. (https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc2015740/: accessed January 12, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.

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