Folding fan. Sticks and guards of plain, unadorned wood. Paper leaf colored lithographed with line of musical score and lyrics across top, French text, and figural scene. Titled “Allégorie sur les États Généraux”.
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UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
The UNT College of Visual Arts and Design fosters creative futures for its diverse student population and the region through rigorous arts-based education, arts- and client-based studio practice, scholarship, and research. One of the most comprehensive visual arts schools in the nation, the college includes many nationally and regionally ranked programs.
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Folding fan. Sticks and guards of plain, unadorned wood. Paper leaf colored lithographed with line of musical score and lyrics across top, French text, and figural scene. Titled “Allégorie sur les États Généraux”.
This object is part of the following collection of related materials.
Texas Fashion Collection
The UNT Texas Fashion Collection is dedicated to the preservation and documentation of historically significant fashion, and serves as an educational and inspirational resource for students, researchers, and the general public. This vital resource is part of the UNT College of Visual Arts + Design.