A direct titrimetric method for the determination of trivalent uranium in uranium trifluoride and mixtures of fused fluoride salts was developed. The method is based on the stoichiometric oxidation of trivalent uranium to the tetravalent oxidation state with an acidic solution of methylene blue. The sample containing trivalent uranium is dissolved at room temperature in an excess of standard methylene blue solution in a carbon dioxide atmosphere; the excess oxidant is variation of the method is 1.5 per cent for 5 mg quantities of trivalent uranium. The method was applied to various mixtures of fluoride salts containing both trivalent and …
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL-1986
A direct titrimetric method for the determination of trivalent uranium in uranium trifluoride and mixtures of fused fluoride salts was developed. The method is based on the stoichiometric oxidation of trivalent uranium to the tetravalent oxidation state with an acidic solution of methylene blue. The sample containing trivalent uranium is dissolved at room temperature in an excess of standard methylene blue solution in a carbon dioxide atmosphere; the excess oxidant is variation of the method is 1.5 per cent for 5 mg quantities of trivalent uranium. The method was applied to various mixtures of fluoride salts containing both trivalent and tetravalent uranium.
This report is part of the following collections of related materials.
TRAIL Microcard Collection
Imaged from microcard, these technical reports describe research performed for U.S. government agencies from the 1930s to the 1960s. The reports were provided by the Technical Report Archive and Image Library (TRAIL).
The Technical Report Archive & Image Library (TRAIL) identifies, acquires, catalogs, digitizes and provides unrestricted access to U.S. government agency technical reports. The mission of TRAIL is to ensure preservation, discoverability, and persistent open access to government technical publications regardless of form or format.
Ross, W. J.; Meyer, A. S.; White, J. C.; Kelley, N. T. & Susano, C. D.Determination of Trivalent Uranium with Methylene Blue,
November 22, 1955;
Washington D.C..
accessed February 9, 2025),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.